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Thursday, December 31, 2009

My New Year's Eve

While driving my grandsons home today (alone) , I had time to think as I played my IPod, creating a soundtrack perfect for New Year's Eve.

Add to that two little boys sitting in car seats behind me, a 7 hour drive, and 3 stops , (including Burger King in Riviera, an hallucinatory idea that we could all go into Blue Sky in Refugio and see what was on sale, and Prasek's for cookies) and all I could think to do (in between loud singing spells) was pray :

"Dear God, please give us traveling mercies to get my precious cargo home safe and sound to their mother and father."

So often I think of post topics while driving. Today was no exception. What to say on New Year's Eve?

Rather than aim my resolution thinking/praying at myself, because I know what falls under my word for the year( INTENTIONAL), I decided to think of things I wanted to say to my daughters.

* If you are dancing with someone to Brooks and Dunn's Neon Moon, and he just doesn't have the beat, change partners. Neon Moon dances for you for goodness sake.

* Don't fall into the trap of thinking you have to pick a political team. Keep thinking. Pick issues instead.

* Watch out for high blood pressure carriers. Remember Nonnie's (my mother's) famous line when asked if Papa (my father) had high blood pressure?

"No... he's a carrier."

* While you are young, value all of your friends- even if you are not particularly close or you do not always agree. Life has a way of coming full circle.

* Keep your love of old things- build your collections, and then start another one. Don't listen to the naysayers because until they've been bent over with their head in a box of junk, they just don't know.

*And finally- really believe that I love you, with ALL of my heart, and though these words have been said many times, it is important to me that you accept that I really, really love you.



  1. Great, loving advice, mom!
    Have a great day tomorrow!

  2. Laura Belle...I love you and your wordage(I just made a new word, too!).

  3. I love your post. You are such a fabulous writer. Write a book! Do it. You are so talented.

    Love to you Ms. L. Thank you for your words of encouragement, the fabulous giveaway win I WON and for all the sweet comments left on my blog. You have blessed me.

    Love again~Rebecca

  4. Love it Laura! All of it... from you driving that long distance, thinking and praying, great advice and love for your daughters! I know you enjoyed having your Grandsons with you and enjoyed the ride back home. Blessings to you and your family in 2010!

  5. Laura..
    another delightful post!
    Love the advice..
    works equally well for sons!
    Looking forward to sharing another year via your simply SPEAKS to me..
    Happy 2010!
    warm hugs from Denver..

  6. Glad you had a safe trip with your precious cargo. Happy New Year!

  7. Happy New Year Laura. Our children do become our focus and I guess it never changes.

  8. Laura, I just love what you have written and I agree with Rebecca, you should write a book. I know for sure that I would read it. Great advice and I love the song Neon Moon, I had never heard it before today, a shocker, I know. I humbly apologise from the heart of my bottom :), as a dear friend of mine used to say. Have great joy in 2010, Maureen....

  9. Laura..what a great post to your daughters...

  10. A monumental and memorable post.
    One that will be treasured beyond our time!!!

  11. What a Wonderful Post ~ True Wisdom for Your Daughters ~ I must now go & listen to Neon Moon!
    Happy New Year to You....


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