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Sunday, February 14, 2010

Happy Valentine’s Day To You and Silver Sunday


        This amazing red heart was given to me, as a Christmas gift, from my dear friend Suzanne. She bought it in San Miguel de Allende, one of my favorite places.

         Today it is for you! Thank you, thank you, thank you for making this year of blogging so much fun.


       For Silver Sunday at Beth’s Gypsy Fish Journal, I am confessing to a trip to an indoor flea market last weekend , and some purchases that are right up there with my all-time favorites.


        I found this wonderful decanter, with its own inner container that can hold ice.

One problem.  I had just bought this and was low on cash.

Not because it was expensive- it was only $10- but I hadn’t planned to pull into this flea market, but I did.

Is this all too much information?


     I know it has worn spots and dings and dents, but I couldn’t resist.

     Back to the money.

      I had my wrist stamped with a smiley face, became distracted with Yellow Box look alike flip flops on display by the exit and walked outside looking for the nearest ATM.

      Two blocks away, on the same side of the expressway was a meat market. I started walking. I am sure I would be just as determined to walk two blocks if- say- I was walking to the dentist, or the gym to exercise, or because I had a flat. (Sure…)

Meat market, money, silver… go figure.

       I found an ATM, got my money and returned to buy the decanter and this.

        I may have a problem with silver plate.

        Is anyone having a state dinner for 1000 people?  Are any foreign dignitaries going to be visiting soon?  Just give me a call, and I’ll drive up with a million place settings.

        You would really be helping me out.  Please call- if I loan it out, then it will somehow all make sense, right?


        And lastly, I went to the farm this morning and picked up my box of vegetables .  Guess what was in the box?

        Carrots! I think they look so pretty on this pewter cake stand my friend Anna gave me for Christmas.

        Anna and I have a theory.  If we want to keep what we are buying for ourselves, then the other one will like the gift.  I love this gift. (Anna I am glad you didn’t keep it, but you can borrow it IF you borrow the silver plate too.)


Have a wonderful Sunday.


  1. Wonderful finds and such a funny me in the name of treasure hunting I've done crazy things too! Thanks for paticipating....see you next month!
    {{Gypsy Valentine hugs}}

  2. Lovely silver things -- but I also like your blue and white -- I LOVE blue and white! And what is wrong with having a gazillion people and being able to give all of them a real fork?

  3. You got some fabulous deals! You sound like a lot of fun to go shopping with - gotta love a gal who stops at nothing to get the goods! I would have snapped up that silverware in flash!

    ♥ Happy Valentine's Day!

  4. Love the heart and thanks for sharing it with us! Love all of the silver! Have a happy Valentine's day!

  5. Hi Laura
    I love that decanter and in fact all your purchases.. great bargain hunting and determination to get the prize! Have a great Valentine's Day .. Julie

  6. I love your problem with silver! You have some wonderful pieces.

  7. Happy Valentines Day Laura...
    Decanter is beautiful...Silverware= gorgeous...
    Some great finds!
    Loved catching up on some previous posts of yours,
    always fun here...
    xoxo~Kathy @ Sweet Up-North Mornings...

  8. Such beautiful silver and oh how I do relate. I have 1000 plates, so maybe we can host the party together, you bring the silverware. It is gorgeous. Hugs, Marty

  9. Laura, this all sounds reasonable to me! Your finds are terrific, but your friend, Anna, is fabulous. Isn't it fun to have friends who share a love of the same things?
    Always a treat to visit here. Happy Valentine's Day to you! ~ Sarah

  10. Love this. Thanks for sharing. Happy Valentines day!

  11. LOL...loved your story. I got out this weekend for some treasure hunting and did real well...found what I was looking for and more but no silver this time. The water decanter is fabulous and don't you just love "yellow box" flip flops...they are so comfy. We should have a yellow box day blog party..."Show us your yellow boxes!". :) Love the carrots on the pretty plate. Happy SS. xo And Valentine's Day.

  12. Hi Laura,
    You got some amazing deals there and I would have been a walking too! Everything is gorgeous!!! Oh, I am so glad you came by too. I follow so many blogs that I forget where I've been. My phlox come full bloom in July and I think they do like cooler summers. It's always my favorite time of year. Happy Valentines' Day to you.... Cindy

  13. G'morn, Laura ~I love LOVE everything, but not the carrots, chuckle!

    Happy Valentine's
    Have a lovely day ~
    Hugs, Marydon

  14. Hi Laura,
    It must be in the air, because I bought a ton of silver stuff yesterday......and I wanted to buy more but you know the whole budget thing!! I am just in love with it too. Have a great day & thanks for coming by!!


  15. I love all of the silver, especially that silver and crystal decanter. Your silverware was a wonderful find, just start using it everyday, you'll love it :-)

  16. Beautiful silvers! and a fun post.

    happy Valentine's Day

  17. Laura, what a great story! Good thing there was an ATM nearby! LOL! I sometimes think the best finds are those that are not planned on because you're really not looking for anything in particular and whammo . . . there IT is! LOL!

    Thanks for sharing these great pieces and I'm sorry to say that I'm not planning any state dinners in the near future so I can't help you out with all that silver plate! LOL!

    Thanks for sharing and Happy Silver Sunday . . . Happy Valentine's Day too!


  18. What a great story and I love your silver bargains you found even with dents and dings. Hey that is what gives it character and age. Happy Valentine's Day...Kim

  19. I think at one time or another we have all been there ~ Its safe to assume you are in excellent company. Great choices. Happy Silver Valentines Day!!

  20. I ask myself the same questions many times!! I would love to find a set of silverplate for my daughter! Maybe I should give you that "assignment" ;-) xoxo

  21. Beautiful silver! Happy Valentine's Day!

  22. Great finds! You are our silver plate role model.:)

  23. Maybe, just maybe, you are preparing for the day when paper bills will no longer be used for currency. Only silver forks, spoons and knives will be of value. Shhhh....I won't tell anyone but when I need contact solution or dark chocolate, I'm robbing your house :)

    Good grief, my imagination is both a blessing and a curse.

  24. Didn't you know??? Estate sale, flea markets...those are like get strength you didn't know was in you....every item you see that you like...more energy. I know this to be true!!

  25. Thank you for sharing my sentiments. I too have an addiction to all things kitchen, silver, white, black and of course silver.

    Many, many place setting of silver ware, dishes, platters, butter dishes, glasses......where does the madness end? But to have someone who loves it as much as I do ask to borrow it and use and enjoy it, well just as you said, it makes it all worth while.

  26. You're a hoot! Yep! those carrots look beauty on the silver!
    Be a sweetie and hope you've had a wonderful Happy Valentine's Day!
    Be a sweetie,
    Shelia ;)

  27. I've had a great time wandering around your blog, clicking on the headings and then reading. I enjoyed reading about your flea market finds. There aren't many places to find treasures here on the Island. There are expensive antique stores for the tourists but nowhere to find a 'find'. When I go to the mainland I stop at every second hand store or junque shop I see....and I wouldn't have been abel to resist that silver either!

  28. I love your blog, don't know why I haven't seen it before! Thanks for the visit and for the kindness...means a lot to me. Come say hi any time :D

  29. An impromptu shopping spree; those are the best kind! Love the decanter and the pewter cake stand! Too good to pass up, for sure. Hope you had a wonderful Valentine's Day!

  30. Laura,

    Thanks so much for popping in. And I laughed reading your blog. You see! That's why those places are so dangerous.... Yikes...Just love to walk and browse and peep into places such as these flea markets and little specialty consignment booth stores and side of the road thrift shops, DANGER ZONE... LOL.
    I'm sure it was fun! Thanks for sharing. Love your finds. The decanter is lovely.

  31. Ooooooo...I love the carrots on the silver footed plate! I also love that you share all your silver finds. Finding old silver is healthy for the mind and soul.

  32. I am spending Monday morning catching up on All the Silver (better late than never, right?) Love the story, Love the Jug & Really Love the Cake Plate ~ that beaded edge is Beautiful....
    Have a Great Week

  33. What we don't do for the hunt for treasure. Thanks for sharing. My favorite photo, the carrots on silver.

  34. What wonderful finds. You are one lucky girl and as always a darling story to go with your treasures!


  35. Oh might have to go to silverplate anonymous!!!! You're so funny.

  36. Love your post. The decanter is divine!


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