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Thursday, March 21, 2013

Dear Daughters: Teary-Eyed

Raised Tomato Beds

Dear Daughters,

I have been crying at the drop of a hat lately.

Point in fact-

This afternoon as I walked through my newly named Esperanza (hope) garden and rounded the Anacahuita tree I planted last summer (Wild Olive tree),

I saw these-

and I was UNDONE.


Baby tomatoes-

hatched in my new raised beds.

I should have given them more credit-

I should have given myself more credit

I planted them and fertilized them and watered them- not in their faces because who likes that- but slowly and consistently at ground level making sure I didn’t disturb their growing.

And so I stood there and cried.

And I said thank you God for this gift and finally maybe I have something that I want to write. 

All that because I was teary-eyed and God thought enough already.


I stood at my beds and I cried and laughed thinking about the concrete owl my daughter brought

me from the flea market
and about this discussion with my father earlier this week, as he stood at

the foot of my tomato beds.

I was very quiet waiting to hear what he had to say.

My father:        ”Sister? These sure are pretty.”

Me:                   “Thank you Daddy.”

My father:         Clearing his throat, “I think your tomato cages are upside down.”

And so dear daughters, I thought I’d have a little fun and tease him and make Nonnie (my mother)

smile up in heaven, and I said- as she probably said many times to him,

”I don’t believe they are.”

Friday, March 8, 2013

Where do Bloggers Go?


Where do bloggers go when the days we have not blogged link together,

and before we know it a few weeks are in the rear view mirror?

Clearly, I don’t have a blogger’s editorial calendar, or a plan, or a strategy, or a way to lure you in

so you will keep coming back, or ‘stickiness’, or SEO, or Google analytics that I can understand, or

link backs.

Here is what I have had or done since I posted last:

*time with my grandsons and standing at a fence at a little league game laughing with pure fun at

the hot mess that is t-ball,

*baking a strawberry birthday cake because my youngest grandson said that strawberry birthday

cake was the BEST,

*making a 7 hour drive to see my grandsons turn into an 11 hour drive because I can’t get

enough of Cuero and LaGrange and Round Top and Brenham and Navasota,

*making frantic phone calls home asking my husband if he watered,

*and wondering and pondering this world of blogging and realizing I don’t fit into the scheme of

strategizing and wondering what to do about it,

* and finally getting home last night feeling worn out and a little under the weather, realizing I had a

slight measure of willingness today to write a blog post.

Go figure.

Love to you all,


Where do you go when you aren’t posting?