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Wednesday, October 15, 2014

Day 15: Simple Birthday Celebration



My family is nothing if not socially efficient.

We usually take our own cars to events, in case we need to leave.

We sit at tables with our backs to the wall, in the event we need to fight our way out. (just kidding…maybe…)

And all of my life, my father was the perfect guest.  He did not dally. He left when he needed to.

This afternoon at 5:00 pm we (my husband and I, one of our daughters, my brother, and my father)were at Luby’s (his choice) in McAllen to celebrate his 88th birthday.

We were there about 30 minutes.

In route he opened his gift (another efficient use of time) and thanked me for the millionth long
sleeve shirt I have given him in my lifetime.

His short comment of, “Sister, you always give me the prettiest shirts,” will forever be etched on my heart.

So the point is it doesn’t have to be complicated.

It doesn’t have to take hours and hours.

We all ordered what we wanted, and we laughed.  Boy did we laugh.

Having said that, I can now say that sometimes it DOES need to be complicated.

When most days you opt for what is simple, you’ll know when to complicate things.

And that will be worth it too.


  1. Yup. No need to dilly-dally. Happy Birthday to your Dad!

  2. Treasure those days. I lost my dad nearly three years ago and not a day goes by where I don't think about his teasing and familiar ways. Such a sweet post.

  3. That is so sweet ! We can learn a lot from our elders! God bless him with an amazing 88th year!

  4. Laura! Sooooooooo glad you are back! I've missed your conversational blog entries that speak to the heart of all of us who love to read you. Thank you for sharing your thoughts, passions, and wisdom with us. (especially love letters to daughters!)

  5. I love the term "socially efficient"! I know exactly what you mean because my mother is the same way. :-)

  6. we also take our own cars (trucks)...sit with our backs to the wall...always park where we have a easy must be a Texas thing...Happy Birthday to your handsome Dad...

  7. We can learn a lot from 88 year olds and I think you have dear Laura

  8. Happy Birthday to your HANDSOME Daddy! I know that you all enjoyed your time celebrating! Have a blessed day dear friend, HUGS!

  9. Perfect! Love that term...socially efficient! Happy Birthday to your Dad! ;)


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