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Friday, October 7, 2016

White Spray Paint Fall Home Tour

Fall Blog Hop 2016 Mantel 
Welcome to my home!
Fall is one of my favorite times of the year,
and I am honored to be one of the 20 Texas bloggers participating in the
hosted by Katie of Let's Add Sprinkles.
Fall Blog Hop 2016
There are all sorts of wonderful things that I associate with fall,
but one of my favorites is unpacking beloved
fall items that have been stashed away since last year.
I may have an idea in mind of how I want to arrange everything,
but I hold those ideas loosely.
Fall decorating should never feel complicated.
Fall Blog Hop 2016 Tureen
This year I enjoyed mixing neutrals with texture and black in our den-
which is one of my favorite anchoring colors in my home.
I have found in my older, low slung ranch style home
that a touch of black often pulls things together-
even when the usual fall colors are present.
However, even though I enjoy the fall decorating process, it is about
so much more than that for me at this time of year.
Fall 2016 Zebra

 Fall for me is about
watching college football on television with family,
and waiting for the first norther (cold front) to blow in,and looking through cookbooks,
and thinking about my Thanksgiving menu,
and putting my raised gardening beds to rest so my skin has a rest too.
Fall Blog Hop 2016 Vignette
It's about
buying new black jeans,
and pulling my black boots out of the back of the closet,
and finding ways to wear all of my
turquoise jewelry  .
It's about making caldo,
and pots of chili,
and pans of cornbread,
and buying
pumpkin bread at Breadsmith,
and going out to breakfast or lunch with friends.
And finally, it's about family.
It's about circling the wagons ,
and piling up on the couch under a velour throw,
and feeling grateful and blessed.
Now it's your turn.
What is fall about for you?

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  1. I love how you used touches of black with white pumpkins for your fall decor. Beautiful. Enjoy your time with friends!

  2. The black in those pumpkins - LOVE IT!!
    Thanks for taking me through your home it's lovely. I agree black jeans and boots - fall really is the best.

    carole @ Garden Up Green

  3. Laura, I like the black added to your Fall touches! I never thought of doing that (outside of Halloween). It looks so elegant. I love what you said Fall means to you! I think you may have nailed why this is so many of ours favorite season! I enjoyed your post very much! Happy weekend!

  4. I love your fall home...beautiful...and fall means the same thing to me...:)

  5. I son enjoyed seeing your touches of Fall around your home, Laura, but most of all, I loved reading your thoughts of what Fall MEANS to you. I pictured you with your family and having fun with your friends. Happy Fall to you and those you love!

  6. I truly classic look of fall fabulousness! I adore the pairing of black and white with the metallics.

  7. Hi Laura, LOVE your fall touches teamed with your love of black and white. This is a favorite of mine too and especially the check design. Your autumn home and the meanings behind the season, as you so wonderfully describe, is very special. Lovely tour on this last day of visits. Thank you for sharing and inspiring. xo

  8. Your fall touches are elegant and sophisticated, and your heart is warm and sentimental. I love that about you! Thank you for welcoming us into your home and into your life.

    Big Texas Hugs,
    Susan and Bentley

  9. Such a fabulous combination of black and white with a touch of gorgeous gold!
    So beautiful, Laura:)
    Fall with family and friends is the best way to celebrate this cozy and inviting time of the season!


  10. I love it. I adore a splash of black with neutrals. The pumpkins just add such a cute fall touch. I'm warmed by your homey and nurturing thoughts of fall. It's a wonderful time. I'm thrilled you are a part of our tour this week.
    I love your floors. We had those in Lubbock!

  11. Laura, your home is so beautifully decorated. Loving your thoughts of Fall. You have styled your home with warmth and elegance. Truly a beautiful space to enjoy and share.

  12. I agree, Laura. Unpacking those special fall things is like shopping in your own home! And it all looks lovely -- a very pretty combo!

  13. Laura, your words definitely resonate with me. I love fall in Texas. I think the long hot summers have us all eager for a change! The black details in your home are just my cup of tea. Did you make the black and white pumpkins? They are lovely! And I'm crushing over the little tin box on your bookshelf. All beautiful!

  14. Love all your white touches. I agree with you fall is about more then decorating. It'a a cozy kind of feeling. You have a beautiful home!

  15. Lovely post, Laura! Your decor is beautiful...I love the metallic tones with natural elements...and I loved reading all of your wonderful thoughts about fall, too!

  16. Beautiful! You do fall so well, and you're right -- black is definitely a color that pulls it all together!

  17. Your home is so beautiful! I love your gold pumpkins! They are da bomb!

  18. I'm with you on the black! I love it in my home and in my closet. Everything looks beautiful and I totally agree with you about fall activities.


  19. Laura,
    You are so right about all the things that Fall means. My core family has always loved college football (not the Long Tall Texan or me), and are die-hard Alabama fans. Roll Tide is their call. Here's another vote for black.


  20. Laura, I love the black and white and all of your fall touches are beautiful! Autumn is my favorite season! Pam @ Everyday Living

  21. I love your decor (those pumpkins!) but mostly I love your words. Family and time together, the traditions that we hold in this season, that we wait all year to do, are the best.

  22. Really pretty black and white fall decor! Love the pops of gold also!

  23. Hi Laura! Gorgeous! I love the black and white touches along with the gold pumpkin! ;)

  24. Laura, this was such a beautiful post! Your home decor is always gorgeous; but, your fall accents are perfection! I'm sure your family appreciates you for creating such an inviting home! You're right...that's what the season is all about!

  25. Your home is just lovely! I love the black and white! It is so elegant but yet cozy! Thanks for sharing. Fall is one of my very favorite times of the year. I love all of the bright majestic colors of fall! Have a wonderful weekend!

  26. This is so wonderful Laura. It really is true for us in Texas (since we don't have much of a fall) that it's a feeling. All of your ideas sound just right to me. Gotta go now the Aggies are about to play. :)

  27. Hi Laura ... a beautiful and calming post just as your house is. I love all the things that you do but sometimes get too busy to carry out my plans.
    Really love your home and how you have it decorated.
    Audrey Z. @ Timeless Treasures

  28. Laura,
    Dear friend, I was so enthralled by what Fall means in your life, that I had to go back to see your lovely rooms!
    I adore your black and white with touches of Autumnal subdued hues!
    I loved hearing about all your Fall plans and events!
    Autumn is a time to wind~down for me. . .
    to enjoy the last vibrant hues of the Season before our world is covered in white!
    A time to reflect on the upcoming Season of celebrating CHRISTmas in all of it's festivites and meaning of the Season!
    Autumn's blessings upon you and yours!

  29. Everything looks lovely! I use black all around my house too! We are style sisters! Sheila

  30. Laura you have such a talent for creating beautiful vignettes and your Fall home exudes such warmth and coziness, I know I'd feel so comfortable there. But my favorite part of this post was hearing you share what Fall means to you. It was such a nice window into your life and it made me reflect on the little things that make Fall special to me too.

  31. Such pretty vignettes, your black and white is a show stopper! Just gorgeous :) Happy fall, Laura! xo, Andrea

  32. Your home looks beautiful, Laura! Loved seeing all of the pretty fall touches and hearing your fall traditions!

  33. Everything looks so pretty Laura, I love the black & white and the gold touches!


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