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Saturday, October 15, 2016

If We Were Having Coffee: Blog Talk

Late one night.
If we were having coffee, I could regale you with the computer problems that I have had for the last 2-3 weeks.
Let’s just say a few are odd.

Here are a few examples:
Every comment notification I receive by email is from Connie. 
Even if your name isn’t Connie, and you were kind enough to write a comment on a blog post of mine, the email notification I receive announcing your comment labels it Connie.

Then there was the period of time that my keyboard on my laptop didn’t work, and I was in El Paso visiting my daughter.
I purchased an external keyboard in order to meet a few blogging deadlines, but that didn’t go well.
Imagine typing most things from an external keyboard but using the mouse on your laptop.
It felt like an intelligence test.
I don’t do well with back and forth, and then the screaming starts.

Then there is the fact that I can download photos from my camera, and they then disappear within my laptop.
I kid you not. They disappear.
I of course blame my computer and the multitude of choices I have for saving my photos: Picasa, Windows 10 Photo Viewer, One Drive, Pictures This PC, Pictures Library.

So dear friends, or Connie as cyberspace in my neck of the woods calls you, I have questions.

(Just ask my TOHOT co-hostesses ,and they will agree- ‘Laura likes to ask questions’.)

If you are so moved, and you have time, I would like to hear what you think/do.

1.  Do you use comment notification via email? Has Connie ever visited your inbox?
2.  Do you respond to comments by email or do you respond on your blog?
3.  Do you download your photos from your camera using a card reader or do you directly connect your   camera to your computer?
4.  Where do you save your photos on your computer and do you also save them on an external hard drive?
5.  Do you write your blog posts in Live Writer, in Blogger, or in Wordpress?

That’s it.
I could ask a million more, but I can see your eyes are crossing :) Thank you!


  1. Yes to comment moderation. No to Connie.
    Respond via email, more personal. If I took he time to comment I think it is nice for that person to take the time to respond. No need to check back for replies. Too time consuming.
    Use the camera card if using my good camera, send via email if using my phone.
    Save photos in iPhoto, and back up to cloud and hardrive.
    Use blogger still.
    Hope the problems are fixed soon!!

  2. 1. I receive comment notifications by email. But quirkily, if the comment comes from someone using a yahoo account, the comment shows up on my blog but not in my gmail. I've never had that Connie problem! Very bizarre. The only Connie I know is a friend who's a big tough dyke prison guard. Seriously, don't mess with anyone named Connie,

    2. I don't usually respond to comments unless a response seems called for. I usually respond via my blog but if the commenter's email address is on the comment, I may also respond via email.

    3. On my iPad, I download photos via a card reader and then email them to my desktop for use on my blog. Otherwise, I connect the camera directly to my desktop.

    4. I save all my photos on iPhoto on my desktop. I do not use multiple photo programs -- too confusing for poor me. I should be better than I am at backing them up to an external hard drive but I'm not. On the other hand, I save all my photo cards so that's kind of a backup.

    5. I write all my posts using Blogger.

  3. How very peculiar. I've never had a Connie comment. Any comment I make comes back to me with the 'undeliverable mail' tag.
    I connect my camera direct to the laptop.
    But I have noticed recently when accessing your blog, that the page doesn't run down smoothly, and I have to wait for the entire post to be readable. Strange.

  4. You had me at 'coffee' and chat!
    No, "Cities niece has never visited me. Replying to comments- well it has taken me nearly 10 years to figure out the notification - I intend to use that and email.
    Photos from the camera - I load to my laptop from a card and the photos from my phone go to Dropbox and then when I have time I move them into files with those from the camera.
    I write my posts straight onto blogger.

  5. I respond via comments and oftentimes email as well, depending on whether I want to give info I don't want in comments. I download my photos into my desk top computer. I only use it anymore for photos and editing. I can't even recall how long I've had it. I blog straight from Blogger. I should put my photos on something else, but so far haven't. Guess I like to live dangerously!

  6. You had me at 'coffee' and chat!
    No, "Cities niece has never visited me. Replying to comments- well it has taken me nearly 10 years to figure out the notification - I intend to use that and email.
    Photos from the camera - I load to my laptop from a card and the photos from my phone go to Dropbox and then when I have time I move them into files with those from the camera.
    I write my posts straight onto blogger.

  7. Greetings from another Connie! And I wish you big luck with your computer problems.

    Comment notification -- yes. I love getting comments in my mail box. But no, I haven't heard from any Connie's -- real or otherwise.

    I always reply by email if I can find an address for the person. I rarely return to a post after read and commented upon so I guess others might not, either. But I want to touch base, say thanks, build the relationship. If I can't find an email, I will do so in a comment on their blog but I really hate to do that. I'd rather just comment on their post.

    I connect my camera to the computer to download and do not use a card reader.

    I save my photos in my computer ("My Photos"). I upload to Picassa and some I may want to handle later go into Shutterfly. Periodically I cull through the month's photos and put the best on a flash drive for more permanent storage.

    And, I write my posts in Blogger.

  8. 1. I receive comment notification by email for moderation and I've never known a Connie.
    2. I usually respond to comments on my blog and try to visit the blog of a new person. I often comment on their blog. If they have taken the time to visit and comment, I want to know more about them. I should try responding by email.
    3. I use a card reader to download my photos and have them on my laptop in files by posts. I back up files of photos to an external storage card. It makes it easier for me to find them if I need them again.
    4. I write my posts in WordPress

  9. UGH! I hate technology problems. I always have the problems that no one has every heard of! Hope you solve them soon, dear Laura. Enjoy your Sunday.

  10. Hm, I respond by email if I can but if someone shows up as no reply blogger, then I respond on the blog. No Connie...that's strange. I save my photos to iPhoto or sometimes Dropbox. I use an Apple so less issues. I write my posts in Blogger. I'm technically challenged and Blogger is easy to use.
    I hope you get your computer issues worked out. How frustrating!

  11. I'm late to the party because I have been out of town. I am glad you are asking questions. It helps all of us learn. Sorry, you have had problems. I relate to that. I use Blogger and right now, all my blog roll is missing. That has happened before. I am hoping it will reappear.

    1. No, I have not had the Connie problem. I do receive notifications in my email with comments. I have noticed if they have a Word Press blog comments do not appear in my email just on the blog.
    2. I do not respond to comments to me on my blog because I don't think anyone has time to go back to my blog and read my comment. I go directly to their blog and comment on their post. I have checked the box to receive feedback from comments but I am finding I don't have time to receive emails each time someone comments on blogs I follow.
    3. I load my pictures from the camera to my laptop. They go in Iphoto automatically. I did load to Picasa all the time when I could watermark and load directly to Blogger. Now, that they deleted the watermark feature much to my dismay I haven't used it as much. I would have been glad to pay for the feature. That really rocked my boat!!!
    4. I write directly to Blogger because I have a Mac and can't use Livewriter.
    5. I think it would be wonderful if more sharing about issues and how others blog would happen. I am glad you opened up this discussion. I need to look up drop box and card readers.There are so many things to keep up with. When we started blogging there was more sharing. Would love to see that happen again.
    6. Oh, I do back up my blog and template regularly as well as backup my laptop on an external hard drive.

    Hope you resolve your issues. I need to do so much work on my blog but keep putting it off.

  12. I do use comment notification by email. I wish everyone did. Most of the time I reply by email, but when the comment comes from a "no-reply" blogger, then I respond on the blog. I have had comments from a couple of readers called Connie -- at least I guess they are real. Both are no-reply, so who knows? Most of the time, the comments I get are from my blog friends, and I have their email addresses.

    I prefer to load my photos directly from the camera to the laptop. I also have a Mac, and prefer iPhoto, although I am told it will be gone with the new updates being replaced with "Photos" which drives me up the wall. I do back up the hard drive every couple of weeks to an external hard drive.

    I also write directly in Blogger. Sometimes if I am working on something for a long time, I draft the text in my word processing program, and then I cut and paste it into Blogger. I used to do this all the time, because it prevents accidentally publishing something that is not finished. Or edited.

    I also used to back up my blog by copying a post to a word processing document, especially after I lost some work, but I have gotten lazy about it.

  13. Oh, Laura, this made me chuckle, but I feel your pain. I cannot stand computer issues!

    I do use comment notification by email all of the time and if they have "no reply" it really is aggravating. I have never met Connie and hope I never do. :o))

    I download my photos from my camera from the SD card through Picasa and I have them in very specific folders that make it very easy for me to locate. I do back up on an external hard drive daily. I have it set to backup automatically.

    I write my posts in Blogger and for the most part, am happy with it.

    Hoping you get all your issues resolved! Happy week!

  14. Well, I wish we really were chatting about this in person...
    1. I do use comment notification via email, but no, Connie has never visited my inbox. (So sorry to hear she's been hanging out at your place!)
    2. If I want my response to a comment to show up on my blog, I have to respond there. I do, however, occasionally respond by emailing directly to the email provided in the notification. Sometimes I do both (because does anybody really go back to a blog just to see if the blogger responded to their comment?).
    3. I download photos from my camera using a card reader.
    4. I save photos on my Mac in Apple's Photos and keep a backup both in the Cloud as well as with Carbonite. I don't love Photos and have considered switching to another program, but it would take forever to categorize everything and organize with new files. Instead, I just keep adding more pics and making the mess bigger! Aaah, the life of a blogger...
    5. I write most blog posts directly in Wordpress. Occasionally, when I'm traveling, I use BlogPad Pro on my iPad (but I'm only about 85% pleased with it.)

    Thanks for asking. (And good luck getting rid of your Blogland goblins! I've had a few visit me through the years, and it's very frustrating... whether they call themselves Connie or not..)

  15. Laura,
    I feel your pain. My laptop which was my main computer broke a little over a week ago and I have been scrambling with temporary solutions until I can replace it.

    Your Connie issue reminds me of a similar one I had some time back except in my case, email responses would always go to the same blogger no matter who I responded to! It seemed to be a glitch when I responded on my Kindle, and resolved when I stopped.

    I write posts directly in Blogger, and respond to comments by email.
    A pet peeve of mine is having to go back to a blog to see a response to my comment because realistically I don't think most people have the time to do so!

    I upload my photos to Google Drive because I can access it from any of my devices. Because I have so many photo files, I also keep files on Dropbox and Amazon, both free options.

    Hope you can get rid of Connie soon ;)

  16. Oh dear, the computer can sometimes mess with us! I get email notifications and never from Connie:) I email pictures and save them to my computer, if only a few! If there are lots, I connect my phone to my computer and load them. My pictures are either in the download area or in the pictures file. Hope Connie leaves you alone:) Have a blessed day dear Laura, HUGS!

  17. My sweet friend, you have my utmost admiration for hanging in there with all of those challenges. I might have chucked it all with that keyboard problem.

    I answer comments by email. I give up on No Reply Blogger comments though. I just don't have time to track it all down.

    My photos are transferred by memory card. I don't use any photo storage programs outside of my computer and I blog straight into blogger.

    Simple is my goal.

  18. How bizarre!! I get email notification on most comments via gmail, but not all. However, no Connie - that's a weird one, for sure! I transfer photos over straight from the computer, and store them in the Pictures file on my laptop. Then I edit them using Picmonkey. I respond to comments right on my blog, as some commenters are no-reply. And I use Blogger to write and post my blog.

    Good luck with your strange issues!!

  19. Wow I could and may write a whole blog about this b/c it would explain my absence from the blog world. My daughter turned me on to Instagram which I resisted and now I can't seem to get back into blogland b/c I love Instagram so much.

    I don't like to do hard things...not that I haven't and can't but why would I when I don't have to? Blogging has become increasingly more difficult. I never knew how to respond to comments and just thought this was the format I had chosen.

    I had to get a new computer and that caused me so much angst having to start over with everything! Since my "job" is computer/internet makes blogging not so fun, so I would rather read blogs than post one.

    And...I have put away my phone works great! Except that I can barely read it due to old age.

    So....I have considered all more writing blogs...just reading them...still undecided...I think the world will be just fine without me.

    I am not a robot...and I am not Connie...maybe she's your earth angel :-)

  20. 1. Do you use comment notification via email? Has Connie ever visited your inbox?
    No and no.
    2. Do you respond to comments by email or do you respond on your blog?
    I only respond to questions, and I do that on my blog. I hope that's enough. I adore my readers and relish each comment. I hope that's enough.
    3. Do you download your photos from your camera using a card reader or do you directly connect your camera to your computer?
    I connect my camera to my computer when uploading/downloading pictures.
    4. Where do you save your photos on your computer and do you also save them on an external hard drive? I am a little OCD when it comes to organizing my pics. In the "My Pictures" folder, I create one folder for each year. These folders are titled: "General Pics 2016" or whatever year it is. Within this folder, I create 12 sub-folders, one for each month (i.e. 01-2016, 02-2016, etc.). When I download my pics from either my "real" camera or my phone, I highlight the pics and select (Copy to Folder) option. When my list of folders pops up, I select the appropriate folder and that's where they reside. I also try to keep an external drive current, in case of computer crash. I don't always remember to do this, but I succeed more than not. In addition, I seldom delete pics from my "real" camera and only delete pics from my phone as necessary, so I always have at least two sources.
    5. Do you write your blog posts in Live Writer, in Blogger, or in Wordpress?
    I write my blog posts in Microsoft Word, then copy and paste into my Blogger field, editing as necessary for font and spacing.

    Hope that's clear as mud.

  21. 1. Yes I do use comment notification.

    2. I only comment via email when is too much to expect someone to go back and see if you have answered - as they will not receive a notification.

    3. My photos sync from the camera on my phone automatically and they are available to me through blogger photos app directly when I write my post.

    4. I save my photos in "photos" on my computer and back them up via the cloud.

    5. I write my posts directly on blogger

    Hope this helps! :)

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