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Wednesday, November 2, 2016

Food for Thought: Write Back

While doing a little traveling this week, I have enjoyed going back into my WSP archives and reminding myself why I love blogging.

"Write back."

Remember those words- written at the ends of notes shared at school?

When notes weren't being passed, they were being folded into a fortune telling form of origami that could predict who you were going to marry.


Baby boomers created the precursor to

At the very least, these folded notes shared the truth about who you really liked and above all who liked you.

The good news is that the note decreed it- you didn't have to.

As a private person, this kind of note folding truth telling game was right up my alley, anonymity included-no strings attached.

Truth be told, it may not have all been about privacy.

Somehow I thought if you said something out loud , it would never happen.

Did anyone else have these powers of suggestion?

Why this memory? Why now?

It is the writing. It opens up a floodgate.

If you are worried about your memory, I highly recommend it.

Anais Nin said, 

"We write to taste life twice, in the moment and in retrospection."

I love that.

I would much rather be involved in retrospection, as in a retrospective of your greatest hits (best all-time Greatest Hits Album: The Four Tops), rather than introspection.

Retrospection implies success; introspection simply sounds depressing.

As always,

Write Back.

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  1. Oh my goodness sweet Laura! This brought back a ton of memories for me! Now I may need to take a walk down memory lane! Hugs and blessings, Cindy

  2. I'm writing back to tell you that if we had been in elementary school together, we would have been friends.

  3. Oh my gosh, yes! I remember those notes very well. Thanks for bringing back a memory.

  4. I love that. I wish I had some of the notes we passed back and forth. They'd seem so silly now but they were so big then! I still love to write notes and cards. (I'm hoping other people do too, so that all my notes and cards sell at this week's sale!). There's something so fun about getting the "real mail" -- no window envelope allowed! Not quite the folded note -- but just as good!

  5. I am experiencing many more memories and intense feelings the more I share on my blog
    My most recent post prior to TOHOT is a prime example of this and it felt good to share those emotions and gave a certain closure to that time of my life.
    I do remember those wonderful notes!

  6. Laura,
    I am such a Traditionalist!
    I still send Christmas Cards to all my family and friends. . .
    but fewer and fewer are the Christmas cards received!
    This year, I'm adding. . ."Write Back" to my closing!

  7. Laura,
    I had totally forgotten about, "Write back," until I read this post. Yes, now I do remember those notes. Thanks for the memories. I love Stacey's comment, "...we would have been friends." Ditto.



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