Sunday, October 25, 2009

Giveaway Winners

     The winners of the giveaway are:

Gardening Prize: Carole & Chewy of 365 Days in the Moonshine Capitol of the World

Amazon Gift Card: Marguerite at Cajun Delights

Christmas PrizeRebecca of A Gathering of Thoughts

Thank you to everyone for participating.  This was all about you and your kind support of my blog. If you are a winner, please email me your mailing address at:

Thanks again,


PS. I did not use a random whatever. Check it out!

giveaway (2)


Love the Decor! said...

Congrats to the winners!! Love the way you did that.
That "random Whatever' seems scary :)

Marguerite said...

Woohoo! Merci beaucoup, Laura!!! What a nice gift!

Deb said...

looks like your giveaway was a hit...congrats!!!

Mid-Atlantic Martha said...

Great giveaway - lucky winners! Love your blog.

Lee said...

Congratulations to all the winners.

Sandra said...

Congratulations to the winners. :)

kenspy said...

They felt firm and round, like futanari sex doll. I think her workouts at the fitness center definitely work.


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