Dear Daughters,
So here we are in this newly changed world without Papa- or as I called him, Daddy.
Hard is hard no matter what month it is, but it feels especially hard to lose someone during this time of year.
So here’s what might help.
Let’s keep a tight rein, and do the next right thing until we feel better.
Here is my list of things on my ‘do the next right thing’ list:
Tomorrow I am going to check the frozen 30 pound turkey I bought which is thawing in the refrigerator in the little house.
If it is still frozen, I am not going to use inappropriate language, and using the common sense I learned from my parents as a child, I am going to break every Butter Ball rule known to man to get it thawed.
I am going to crumble the pan of cornbread I made tonight for the dressing, so it dries just a little.
I am going to set the frozen pie crust I made tonight out on the counter to soften.
Tomorrow after I go to the flea market (because that is my therapy- especially when I am sad), I am going to roll out that dough and make a fresh apple pie and a pecan pie.
I am going to pray for traveling mercies for those of you traveling, and when you pull up in the driveway, I am going to squeeze your neck hard.
That is my ‘do the next right thing’ list for tomorrow.
Years ago, after Papa listened to me carry on once about things that were bothering me, he said,
”It sounds to me like you need things to be hard for a while.”
And so it is.
I love you.
If you need something to make you laugh picture your mother wrestling with a frozen turkey.