Dear Friends-
The post below had the highest number of page views this past year,
and that tickles me because the message I have shared here really speaks to
who I am and how I feel about home design.
I also get tickled when I see the term DIY.
When I see that, I always want to laugh and shout,
“…for goodness sake of course I am doing it myself”-
but I digress.
Enjoy this re-post and thank you for reading it the first time.
It is a Dear Daughters post .

There really is no mystery here.
I promise.
In fact your eye is far beyond mine was at your age(s).
Let’s pretend you asked my opinion about design anyway…
Here are a few
Key Point #1: In the world of daily real world design (where we live), I have realized
that a key distinction (in addition to talent and training) that separates confident, successful
and even professional designers
from you and me
They are simply confident in the doing of it all.
My recommendation when you are standing in the middle of your living room feeling doubts?
Think ‘this is not world peace.’
Key Point#2: My confidence is not really confidence.
It is rather
the mother of invention,
the shoestring budget,
the sciatic nerve pain from moving furniture for a million years with my hips because I just HAD to try it right then,
the shouting, when in a bind on a step stool with small sharp nails in my mouth, to anyone who will listen,
the avoidance of furniture stores,
and the pleasure I find in seeing what you do.

Key Point #3: You do not have to know what you like.
Like it all.
You know how we gravitate to the diverse anyway?
Your home is your love of diversity with a roof.
It is what we do-
as in invite everyone.
Be very, very glad I realized early on
that nothing good could happen in a world of cookie cutter harvest gold and avocado green.
I so cookie cutter tried.
In 1958, when Nonnie (my mother) painted her kitchen at the ranch
bright white,
with white cabinets,
used black wrought iron pulls,
and installed red formica countertops,
she wasn’t looking for like minded people.
How can you dance in the kitchen to Ray Charles
if it looks like everyone else’s?
Love, Mom