Outside My Window…
I am preparing to go out in the heat-to the garage- to pack up
recent finds/treasures for upcoming Market Day sales,
where we will have a booth.
I may be holding a running hose over my head,
it is so hot,
which is actually a good idea.
I Am Thinking…
that the pep talk email I just sent my beginning teacher interns
(I have 11 this year)
will prepare them for the weeks ahead.
as we all do,
when the prognosis is challenging-
we focus on other things…
I said things in the email like
*dress nicely
*organize your classroom
*prepare for the first day of class
*call me any time of the day or night
*I will be in your classroom this week to see you.
in the state of Texas
a public school teacher works 187 days per school year.
That teacher’s yearly salary is calculated for 187 days.
When a Texas teacher is ‘off’ during the holidays
or the summer,
they are receiving pay for days already worked.
Their yearly salary has simply been divided by 12 months.
A Texas teacher must have a bachelor’s degree,
must have completed the certification process through an accredited agency (at an additional cost of around $4000)
and must have passed two state board exams-
one in his/her content and one in pedagogy and professionalism.
I Am Thankful For… teachers.
I was a teacher.
I am now teaching teachers.
My oldest daughter, before becoming an attorney was a high school teacher,
My middle daughter, the librarian
, was an elementary science teacher, and my youngest daughter is a high school English teacher.
While under the weather , I read….blogging articles and advice by experts.
Here is what I decided.
‘You have got to be kidding.’
Here is my advice.
I am no expert-
just a rebel.
*Blogging is a dynamic activity.
I blog to write.
More really is more.
I must write more to be able to write more.
This makes perfect sense to me.
*Blogging should be mutual.
It is not all about me
and how I feel, especially if I don’t feel like
readers feel like I have a blog they want to visit.
I should be spending a proportionate amount of time
It should never be one-sided.
*Blogging photography can be rewarding and frustrating.
Most of my photos are crooked.
I said once,
I need a tripod for ME.
Maybe I need to measure my legs?
I am going… to stop now.
It really is all about the simple things for me.
I just have complicated thoughts!