Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Whirling Wind


           At 1:54 left in the regional quarter final game last night, with the opponent up by 2, it was hard for me to see because-

I was outside the gym pacing and periodically looking through the glass in the gym door. 

        The wind was whirling, as the temperature dropped for another cold front, and I was saying,

“I know Mother. He’s at the free throw line right now.”

For you see from the minute my mother passed away in 1996, she has come to me in the wind. It comes out of nowhere and wraps around my neck , whirling gently, sending me whatever message I need.

She was really whirling last night.    

        Trey made the first one, I paced and waited to hear the crowd, and when they roared , I knew he had made the second one to tie the game.

        They scored again and the victory was theirs.

        I thought of all of the practicing he has done in a dirt floored barn that my father built, on my father’s farm El Perdido.  My brother and Trey live on the farm.

        Last night, while driving home, my father tried to act gruff by saying-

My poor old combine. It got moved out of the barn so he could shoot baskets.”

And then he smiled.


Post Script:

The newspaper stated that San Isidro, Texas has a population of  260 people. I think there were about 400 at the game last night.

My previous post was loaded with typographical errors. I must have had crazy eyes, I was so nervous before the game.

Photo above: L-R

Jim Mills, Jim Mills III (Trey), Jim Mills, Jr.

Next game:  Friday, 4:00 pm, in Austin, against Burton.

The girls and I had breakfast at a church in Burton, one Saturday morning driving into Round Top. We have happened upon great garage sales in Burton too.

I’d like to think we have kinfolk there.




Lisa said...

Congrats!!!! Congrats!!!!

Theresa said...

YEAH! Way to go! Love the picture of the three handsome fellas. Your Dad just warms my heart:) Enjoy you day!

Glenda/MidSouth said...

CONGRATULATIONS! I know you are so proud of him!
Great photo.

Deb said...

Congrats to your nephew....

Sandra said...

This post gave me cold chills! What a darling picture of the three of them. I mean I am tearing up Laura. Gah - what's wrong with me!! Such a sweet story. And what your dad said - I am dying over that. Your dad is such a doll! I mean who can resist the working man who wears a hat so well :-) xoxo

Keep us posted. If I were close, I'd be in Austin Friday night. Our game tonight was cancelled until tomorrow night. Threat of snow. xoxo

Julie said...

generations of love in the flesh standing before your very camera. What a neat and close and supportive family. Gives warm fuzzies. :-)
TOOO much nail-biting drama! woo!

Debra@CommonGround said...

Laura, you write in such a way that I can always "see" it in my head. So wonderful that your nephew pulled off the big win. WOW! And hearing about your mom and the closeness you have, just blesses me to the core.

Karen said...

I am sooo proud of Trey and wish him all the best. We wish we could be in Austin for the game.
By the way, I hope you saw that Trey was quoted in the Monitor. Wow! A celebrity!!
Go, Trey. Great job.
Ladybug Creek

Jane said...

Congratulations to Trey and the team. I would have been outside the gym pacing too!!!
I love the 3 generation picture....priceless.
My niece's basketball team will be in Austin too! She lives in Frisco and this is their first trip to State.
Good luck to the team.

Anonymous said...

That is so EXCITING!!!!!!!!!! I wish i could have been there. Give him our best and tell your Dad and Bubba hello.

trash talk said...

Laura Belle, I read this post earlier this morning and I've been trying to come up with the right words to let you know how much this touched me. I started crying in the middle of it (good tears!) and smiling at the end. Winning is important, but your nephew walked onto that gym floor a winner without ever sinking a shot. What a legacy surrounding him.

Unknown said...

I hope you stopped by Royers Round Top Cafe while you were in Round Top. Best pie anywhere. And your post reminded me of the days when I taught school in Jayton, a town of 800. Basketball was the highlight of the week.

Hello. Fellow Texas Blogging Gal member here to let you know about a giveaway of my Snail Mail Notes. Notecards include Texas themes and scriptures. You can see giveaway details at http://lonestarlifer.wordpress.com/2010/02/28/snail-mail-notes-giveaway/ and see my notes at www.snailmailnotes.com.


Anonymous said...

Awesome! I popped over here from poofing the pillows. Nice Blog.
I will be back.

Beeutiful by Design said...

Your post left my heart in my throat - must be a mother thing. I can hardly stand to watch my kids compete, I think I get more anxious than they do!

Miss Gracie's House said...

So exciting!! Love me some basketball...

Cottage Rose said...

Hi Laura; Wow what a exciting way to end and Win the game... congrats to you nephew. have a great week.


Staci Danford said...

What a precious wonderful memory.. When my son pitched in the State Championship I thought my heart was going to beat right out of my chest.. He later told me he knew they were going to win. Man I wished they could let us know that ahead of time..... Would cut back on the gray hair. haha You will remember these days forever.
Bliss and blessings your way,

Michelle said...

WOOHOO!!!! And what a great pic!

Terri said...

What a sweet nostalgic story, Laura. Hop over to my blog when you get a chance to see your blog award.
Happy Friday!


Helen said...

What could be more thrilling ~ or make a parent more proud? Nothing!

Paula said...

I just chewed off a fingernail reading this!! That was fantastic!

Nancy's Notes said...

I am just reading this now Laura, a bit late, oh heavens, I feel like I was right there with you! Oh and the part about your Mom...precious post. Hugs.


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