Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Summer Bedazzling


At every special opportunity this summer, I have worn my new favorite forms of bedazzling.


It is a testament to my version of the expression Less is More- which should read-

More is More.

So sparkle was my friend at summer weddings, showers, and dinners.



And even though this straw clutch wasn’t bedazzled, it was the perfect choice with all of my white linen.

Bedazzling True Confession Quiz:

Who owns a bedazzler?

Who owned a Collins bag?

Who owned a  jeweled t-shirt?



Pondside said...

Errrr - no.
*aigh* - no again....I guess I'm just pretty un-dazzling.

Kathy @ Sweet Up-North Mornings... said...

2 out of three!
You guess!
Love the jewels....
xoxo~Kathy @
Sweet Up-North Mornings...

Debra@CommonGround said...

no,no, and yes, we had tons of jeweled t's and sweathirts fabric glue was our friend! Your set of jewels is just gorgeous; and that's been my clothing of choice this summer. White or natural linen. Who cares if it's wrinkled, heck sometimes I didn't even iron it. Love those glitzy sandles too!
been missin' ya, we need to talk!

Lemon Lane Studio said...

yes, no, all the summer bling. Patty

paige said...

laura, thank you for leaving such an encouraging note on my blog. i so appreciate your thoughts. i think as women we often feel whatever we do, its not enough. i've seen so many "needs"...i just want to make sure i'm giving and not using all my time on myself....i agree though, raising children is a ministry!!!

you have a lovely blog

Theresa said...

Love it! I love the bag, shoes and ooohhhh lah lah, the jewels! I bet you were looking gorgeous! Enjoy your day my friend! HUGS!

Anonymous said...

I must confess. I own none of them. I did see some nice bedazzled necklaces at Macy's a couple of days ago though. Tempted, but walked away. I just don't get dressed up since not working for the past 8 years. I used to be a show stopper, but naaah... no more. Just a simple black dress with black heels and a nice necklace would be my attire if I HAD to dress up.

trash talk said...

No...but I give them as gifts!
What do you mean by "owned"? Aren't they still in style?
What do you think? Have you seen me?

I love those sandals...and that clutch! Work it girl!

P.S. Been meaning to send you an e-mail, but I'll just it here for all the world to see. I wish with all my heart I could have been one of your students or at least had a teacher with all your heart. I coulda been a contender!

kate said...

have you watched that new show "Hot in Cleveland" ??? Betty White bedazzles everything!!!

Apron Senorita said...

Hi Laura, thought I come for a visit. Hope you're doing well and enjoying the hot summer.

I own a bedazzler that I was going to use on my aprons but haven't used it.

I don't onwn Collins bag/

I don't own a jeweled t-shirt, but I almost bought a jeweled western jacket but changed my mind.

Take care and have a great weekend.
Yoli :)

Olive said...

Love the bling. You know you could embelish the clutch easily. hugs♥olive

Rebecca Nelson said...

Oh my gosh...I'm too embarrassed to tell you the truth.

LOVE THE BLINGIES my friend! FUN! Fun!


June said...

Hi Laura,
Um, no, no, and no.
I love to dazzle a bit myself. But as soon as I come in the door it has to come off, because Landon is crazy for it and will attack me for it.LOL!
I just went back to read the posts I have missed here at your place. I love to read your writing and your musings. I can feel your excitement when you write about the interns and meeting them.
I love your office...what a beautiful space to work. Wow...I love black and white and robin's egg blue together!!!

Donna @ The House on the Corner said...

I do own a bedazzler :-D

No Collins bag or t-shirt but I do have a couple of dresses that have bling on the "yoke" area and the bestest new cell phone cover that is the ultimate bling!!

Holly said...

Thanks for stopping by my blog for a visit and leaving such a nice comment!!
I love finding new blogs and your is so PRETTY!!!! Love the sparkle, the reference to the band and football games, the collections for you and your girls...everything's lovely. Can't wait for more!!!


Bonnie said...

I love your bling but I am afraid I can't pull it off for myself. I'd love some lessons. Where do you shop?

Leslie {Goodbye, house. Hello, home!} said...

Hi Laura!
I love bling, but am pretty simple! My bling is in my earrings and I love wearing shiny lipgloss (does that count?)
You have great taste! I think I am unsure about what to put with what---you are helping me understand :)
I'll bet you had a fun and busy summer!!
Hugs and blessings to you as you make your home!

WhiteWhispers2u said...

Hello~Thanks so much for the visit.I thought I would stop by for one myself.

All three are awesome! White Linen my Fav.~Cheers Kim

WhiteWhispers2u said...

P.S~Love the Blog name, also one of my favorite items~Wite Spray Paint~

Rustydiva said...

I've got bedazzle running out my wazoo!!! Can never have enough of it. I sparkle from head to toe everyday ~ makes me happy! Your jewelry is to die for. Gotta go.......I see something sparkly. :)

Privet and Holly said...

No, no and YES!
I do have a couple
of {extremely tasteful,
of course!} jewel-accented
knits : ) Bling away, my
friend! Life is too short
not to enjoy a lot of sparkle!
xx Suzanne
PS: Loved your last
post, too...I can almost
hear the band, warming up....!

Anonymous said...

Oh Laura, Those shoes!!! Love love love em.

You should see some of the earrings I've been wearing this summer. Definitely a more is more season for me.

The one with the View said...

I still HAVE my original Bedazzler! LOL I LOVE the pieces of jewelry, and the shoes!! I bet you sparkled! Looked around your blog a bit, love your style!! (oh, and found you through Texas blogging Gals!) Have a great weekend

Nancy's Notes said...

Love that bag Laura and of course you would carry it with your linen, love that look! Okay, no, no and yes!

Okay Missy, I am a Texas Blogging Gal too! A party would be beyond fun!

Hugs darlin'!


Marguerite said...

All are so lovely! I especially love the shoes and the bracelet and earrings. No, no, and yes. I'm partial to turquoise and have been collecting it for many years. Have a splendid Sunday, cher!

Wsprsweetly Of Cottages said...

Answer to questions:
#1. You?
#2. The sister of that movie star? You know who I mean...
#3. Me. But I gave it to Goodwill finally! I LOVE sparklies!! I need another one!

Did I get them right? :) Do I get a prize? :)

Love and hugs to you!

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