Thursday, September 9, 2010

Fall Green


To make the transition to fall, I decided to do it a little differently.

In the last couple of years, I have fallen in love with the dull green of Bordallo pottery , and as I looked around the house this afternoon, I found that color other places as well.

Bordallo pottery is a workhorse.

It is also very affordable at Ross, Marshall’s, and TJ Maxx (my second, third, and fourth home away from home). 

Although I have used it in spring, summer, and at Christmas, I hadn’t used it during the fall.

This year I am.


As I looked around, I saw some old favorites, and a few new ‘old’ favorites I could rearrange.

This cranberry/rust color in the artichokes and the runner look wonderful with the dull green.


I found this runner at the flea market, and I like the hint of animal print.


True confession?

Occasionally in my zeal to get something created, I do a little jamming.

I thought my fall florals would look good in contrast with my spring arrangement, so I started jamming one into the other.

I have mentioned slinging before.

Jamming is the same concept.


It works out better that way for me.


True confession part II.

I MAKE it work that way for me because that is how I work.



These old favorites make me smile.

They aren’t intrusive.

Things don’t look like a theme park.

I can breathe when they catch my eye.

After all it is still very, very hot here.



I hope you have a wonderful weekend.

This week flew by.

It is fall.


I am linking to







Olive said...

Whatever season it is in your head Laura go with it. hugs♥olive

Vintage Linen Treasures said...

I LOVE how you make things work! It seems like everything you touch just works!!
Patricia :o)

Anonymous said...

I love all the color and it's nice to know someone else is a little heavy handed with the flower arranging :)

Kim @ Savvy Southern Style said...

You do things the same way I do. Looks good to me.

Anonymous said...

Oooo, I love it. You've got some great stuff going on here. Just gorgeous.
Be a sweetie,
Shelia ;0

joanne said...

slinging and jamming...hmmm. I am going to incorporate this in my decor and by golly, it is going to work! I just hope it looks as beautiful as yours...

trash talk said...

Just call me the Katz and Jammer Kid! As long as it looks good to me...who cares what others think? But for the record...I love your fact...keep slinging!

Vintagesouthernlife said...

I like the results of your jamming and slinging. The green brings everything together beautifully.

June said...

Laura this is a beautiful way to decorate for Fall. I am loving your old and new, old favorites. It all works so beautifully together. The greens and cranberry reds are so pretty. Come on over to my place and sling things around, okay?
hugs to you...

Hootin Anni said...

Everything is so beautiful. And the composition of your photos, the lighting the colors...everything...perfect!!

My Victorian Ribbon Afghan------done!!!

Deb said...

I love your fall...but I'm still hanging on to summer....won't let go till mid October...

Erin said...

Love my bordallo pottery!! Love your fall touches:)

Tammy @BeatriceBanks said...

I like the way you work. I'm much the same way. And when it works for you, it works. Green is starting to take off with me for some reason. My mom used to have green carpet so I always hated it. But green has came a long ways since the burgundy and hunter green of the 80's. Love all your stuff!

Glenda/MidSouth said...

The end result of all your jamming and slinging looks great! :D
Enjoy your weekend.

Susan said...

I absolutely love the painting of the young lady!!

Candy said...

It is hot and it is fall. Love the same shades you do. Thanks for the sweet comment about my trip. Now I better get to bed because 5 am will be here soon.
Have a great restful weekend ;-)

Amy Kinser said...

Love what you have done so far. I have that same painting, except I think mine is a little bigger. It hangs in an old frame in my master bath. I love it.

Katherine said...

Lovely fall decor. I enjoyed my visit to your blog. Wishing you happiness, Katherine

Unknown said...

Following from Fresh Friday Blog Hop...would love to have you follow back!

CHERI said...

Everything looks so pretty in this post. It is still so hot here it's almost impossible to think of Fall! I have become a green lover...but only some greens. I used to not like it at all! Your green is pretty!

Joy said...

Very pretty arrangements. My poor house stays the same about all year round except Christmas. I should try and add some fall stuff.
I'll have to look for some Bordallo when I got to Ross, TJ's or Marshalls next time. I love those stores as well.
That lady reading is one of my all time favorite pictures.
♥ Joy

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