Saturday, November 12, 2011

Apothecary Jars, Punch Cups, and Canisters


If I had lived in a

different era,

I would have served

a lot of


How do I know this?

I have had a long-time love

for punch bowls and cups.

The last time I teetered on my step stool to check

above the refrigerator,

I have 3 milk glass punch bowls,

2 cut glass punch bowls,

and a dark green glass punch bowl-

all with matching punch cups.


During my recent

house fixing,

I introduced my apothecary jars

to my punch cups,

and I found an interim solution

for my need to use them.


True confession…

I have a million punch cups,


today while selling at our booth at a local market days,

I located a sack of silver plate punch cups I bought at the flea market this summer.

Woo hoo!


Pondside said...

A gal can never have too many shoes or.....punch cups?
I like your mating of Apothecary Jar and punch cup - quite elegant.

Blondie's Journal said...

You do have quite a love of punch bowls and glasses...but put them to use. I have tons of recipes...most require alcohol, but that's how we do it up north here! One of my favorites is sweet tea {which is REALLY unusual here}, lemonade and vodka. Love it!


Ocean Breezes and Country Sneezes said...

I love them, and I love they way you're putting them to work! I especially like glass/crystal punch bowl sets!

I have 2 punch bowl sets . . . one I bought about 30 years ago for about $7.00, it's all glass from Anchor Hocking, and I just love it! The other one is a Christmas punch bowl set . . . hey, you never know when you'll need an emergency punch bowl set!

Would love to see all of them in another post!

joanne said...

I do not own a punch bowl or the sweet little cups that go with there any hope for me??

Jojo said...

We don't enjoy punch very often these days. It seems like when I was young someone at church would frequently hold receptions so they were a pat of growing up. Now besides weddings, I go to one event annually that I can think of that has a punch bowl. Come to think of it, I haven't used mine in 8 years!

Sissie's Shabby Cottage said...

Great way to use punch cups and also old teacups.


Vintage Gal said...

I love the way you are using your punch cups ~ great idea. Hmmm, now where did I put mine? Have a wonderful day ;-)

Sheets on the line, love in my heart. said...

i too love the way you used your punch cups...i am copying the idea..hope it's okay!

Olive said...

Oh my you and Blondie have got me going with thoughts of punch, tea, and vodka. Joe and I have three punch sets or it could me more between the two houses and really I do not need them. Silly I am.

From Beyond My Kitchen Window said...

I have always wanted a punch bowl set which is rather strange because you really don't see punch served anymore. Doesn't stop me from wanting one though. Enjoy your collection.

Theresa said...

Can't have too many:) Love the display of your gorgeous cup! Have a blessed day dear Laura, HUGS!

Lisa said...

The other day I saw Paula Deen make a punch bowl cake! Looked like a big trifle to me but anywhoo...another use for your collection.;)
PS Great idea for the cups!

Nancy's Notes said...

Wow, Miss Laura! You do have quite a collection there! Sounds like it's time for a "partay!"


Deb said...

I love punch bowls and cups too...

Pamela said...

Lovely. I love the jar with the bird. Made me smile...and covet a bit.

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