I first wrote about your gardening heritage in Gardening Part I.
I hope you will re-read that:)
My hard core, focused gardening began as you know about 10 years ago when I retired from teaching.
Prior to that, I had blinders on, and I relied on someone who came twice a month to mow, edge, and blow away the leaves in our yard.
Once I had the time , I entered the world of gardening, along side the mower, edger, and blower and...
I have never worked so hard or smiled so wide in my life.
I've planted things in the wrong spot, been shocked when things actually grew,
had millions of 'projects in the yard' at which point Dad often said,
'are you having another party?'
or 'no more projects!'.
I've wrestled with a bougainvillea and it and its thorns won,
I've dragged heavy water hoses all across our yard ,
I've tripped on those hoses and landed on various parts of my body,
had dirt under my nails,
screamed at unexpected insects while running in circles and gone out the next day for more.
I've danced to whatever music was playing in the yard, and made Dad laugh while I danced in front of the den window where he was watching football.
I've had zinnia growing competitions with Papa and when he passed away, I cut zinnias from his garden to place on his graveside (but of course you know this- you helped me).
I invited a group of friends I called the Sisterhood of the Traveling Zinnia Seeds to plant dried zinnia seeds from Papa's garden.
I've taken small bouquets of my own zinnias to friends in need or to say thank you, and the tiny vases I used were part of the gift as well.
I collected those vases at the flea market for just that purpose.
I've started my gardening in El Paso, even though the timing isn't exactly right, but I did it anyway because I couldn't stand it.
If you have gardening in your life some day, you will know exactly what I mean.
I love you!
Have a wonderful weekend.
I know you are planning your trip to the flea market.
I am too :)
Love, Mom
PS. This is what I looked like dragging hoses in our yard on Scout Lane:)
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Loved this my gardening friend. Can't wait to see what gardening holds for you in El Paso!
I stopped teaching recently, and am gradually getting more interested in gardening. I guess the work and rewards have similarities!
I have always loved your Dear Daughter posts! As for the hose, order one of those curled up ones from Gardener's Supply. That's what I use. Very light weight.
Oh dear Laura, I love your Dear Daughter posts! I am still giggling!! What fun you have before you in El Paso!!
Laura, I don't have daughters or children of my own for that matter. Wish I did, but it was not to be. I love reading your letters to your daughters though. They remind me of conversations with my own sweet mom. She was a gardener, with many generations of gardeners before her, and she gave me the gardening gene and passion. Yes, retirement has allowed more focus on this passion, but even when teaching I spent long hours after school and on weekends. Remember, I didn't have children so I obviously had more time than you did. ;-)
Have a great weekend! It's beautiful here in TX this fall.
Happy Friday, Laura! With focus on Jay and Camille's mid-summer wedding, and my mother's ill health, our garden was neglected this year. I am thinking of hiring someone for a one visit clean up with pruning, before I resume my efforts. I am far from a natural at gardening. I am hoping to be enhanced with wisdom when I retire.
I am so glad to see a post from you in my feed. I had to re-enter so many blogs that I lost along the way with blogger changes. I can certainly identify with everything you wrote about gardening. At one point my husband invested in these huge pyramid type sprinklers...OMGosh-I can't not TELL you how many times I got drenched trying to adjust those things...lol...I think they have finally 'disappeared' somewhere along the way.
Hope you have a blessed weekend, Laura. xo Diana
Laura, I love this more than I can say. To have a legacy like this and to not pass it down to your children would be sad indeed. Your series of Dear Daughters are one of my favorites -- and every story in this one warms me to the core (especially the zinnia seeds and fighting with the hose. I did one of those trip and land on body parts yesterday!)
My hubby and I are gardeners and my son got the gene but not my daughter:( I LOVE zinnias but can't always find them in the spring. Do you have any tips for me for growing them? Have a fabulous weekend!
I know what you mean! I like a kind of wild English Cottage Garden, that I care for at the front of my house.
I discovered Zinnias two years ago and adore their beauty and cheer in my garden!
I was thinking about you today actually, laughed at my pitiful attempt at zinnias this year. I also thought about how beautiful your Bougainville was. I lost my blog roll and need to check out your blog. Glad you are settling in in your new home.
Laura, I love these posts! You made me laugh this morning. I know that you must be enjoying your new home, and I can't wait to see more!
Awe Laura, Your Dear Daughters posts always makes me smile. Hugs and blessings, Cindy
This post made me giggle:) I can SO relate to much of what you are talking about! Have a blessed day sweet Laura, HUGS!
Wonderful Pictures...like your Blog very much.... bloom tattoos
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