Oh my goodness, I hope so.
You cannot travel through life without a voice, a song, or a beat that grabs you so fiercely whenever you hear it (regardless of your age), you have to move.
It is that soundtrack playing in the background, while growing up, that will play in your heart forever.
Somehow that sound connects us to our younger fearless, independent self.
Some day when you are my age, and you hear that special song, please dance- no matter where you are.
As Dad said to me during a recent grocery shopping trip,
"Boy, you really like to dance in the grocery store."
Why yes.
Yes I do.
My next favorite place to dance? In Hauler II (my Tahoe), of course, while driving.
Aretha and a whole host of Motown singers and groups were my soundtrack, as I watched American Bandstand faithfully every Saturday.
As soon as the program was over, I ran down the hall at the ranch, locked myself into my lavender bedroom with the lavender carpet, put a 45 or an album on the stereo and danced in front of the mirror.
I can still picture those Saturday mornings as if they were yesterday.
It makes me smile as I write this to imagine what Nonnie was saying to Papa as he asked, "Where's Sister?"
"Oh, she's locked up in her bedroom practicing her dancing."
That practicing goes with you as you travel through life.
It is tied to your own special imagination and creativity and that singular ability to entertain yourself- oh and practicing.
That is the touchstone I hope you have:)
Now go find a mirror and dance.
Love , Mom
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I love this post! I just returned home from my 50th high school reunion. You couldn't keep us off of the dance floor as the DJ played so many of our favorite songs. My HEB plays lots of 60's and 70's music! I haven't danced in the store yet but I sing a lot while I'm shopping! Oh yeah! I also have the music cranked up in my jeep!
Laura, good morning! It's so good to see you and Aretha this morning! My cousin tells a story about me locking myself in Granny's bedroom and playing The Jackson 5 over and over. She didn't know I was dancing in front of the mirror. :)
Still dancing today!!
Fun post, Laura! Music is therapy and I need more of it in my life!
There's nothing like the music of our teen years!
Delightful post Laura! I watched a young couple dance in the grocery store yesterday and it made me so happy!
Sweet post, Laura! I like to dance in public places too. Especially when my girls are around. They may be adults, but I can still embarass them! Have a good week and keep dancing!
I love your posts to your daughters, Laura. They are so true, so real. And yes, we all need an Aretha in our life. And to dance.
I LOVE this! I used to threaten that I would start dancing ( high kicks and all!) at the grocery if my boys didn't behave. Good times. Thanks for making me smile!
Love, love your daughter posts! Music and dancing are lifesavers, my inspiration, my memories, my happiness and so much more! I can remember words to so many songs and not a thing about yesterday!!
Hugs, my dear friend!
Right on! Keep the music playing, and dance, dance, dance!
Loved this Laura. Music is the healing of my soul. Hugs and blessings, Cindy
❤️�� Oh no! I am not the only one who has danced to the music when no one was home, with or without a mirror!!!
Love your post!
Music is the soundtrack of our lives... Dick Clarks American Bandstand began as a weekday three hour show everyday..Would race home from elementary school in Houston to listen to the latest record (Remember rate a record) and watch the latest dance moves....A/B was where we all learned to DANCE....To this day, I can still remember Dancing to the Four Tops,Temptations,Supremes, and all of the other Great Groups of Our Day....Yes, there is an Aretha in my life, along with many others...My favorite Aretha song Until You Come Back To Me.....Thanks for reminding me of my Well Spent Youth.....Say Hello To John For Me!
Doug Farrell
Dancing here while reading this:) Dancing is good for the soul! Have a blessed day dear Laura, HUGS!
I have always loved Aretha and always loved DANCING. I often dance in the kitchen while I'm cooking! Funny story...a few years back I was just dancing away in the kitchen. All of a sudden I heard a knock on the door, turned around and looked through the glass, and there was my preacher!!! He probably thought I was drunk or crazy, but he didn't say a thing:) I hope to still be dancing when I'm "really" old and gray! RIP, Aretha...your music will ever be remembered and enjoyed by many, including me:)
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