Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Cheap White Spray Paint

     All tied up with feeling like I need to put my laptop under lock and key, in order to get more things done on my list (especially with company coming this weekend and the beginning teachers I support starting school), I have discovered how little I knew about spray paint.

     I should have named my blog

        Cheap White Spray Paint.

I simply didn’t know. I had no idea; nor did I care to know.  I am a slinger,a jammer, and a step skipper at heart.

     I have always responded (in my mind) to smug comments like ,“You get what you pay for,” with thoughts of “Yeah, well watch this.”

     All this while happily driving to Wal-Mart to buy a million cans of their house brand. After all, it was only 98 cents a can. Who cared that I had to buy a zillion cans; it was a bargain.

     However, after reading your amazing blogs, the error of my ways has been corrected.

     Yesterday, I actually used primer first. The shelves below were yellow and were only $5. I have low ceilings throughout my house, so I am always looking for ways to make the eye go up (see previous post And So I Cheat).

Scale problem:  the library table I am using as a base is too short.  This causes the shelves to look bedroom 80’s.  You know what that means. I’ll be moving things around today.


     So this is what I will be working on today.  I have gathered everything; now I need to arrange things.

     My husband’s comment as I asked him to unscrew a chair seat so I can recover it and spray paint the base?

“Now don’t get yourself in a tizzy.”


Elizabethd said...

Big admission here...I've never used spray paint! But I love hearing your aadventures with it.

Anonymous said...

I can hear Mr. H. saying that right now!!

Cass @ That Old House said...

I think the cheap spray paint is fine for some applications -- but when you want the piece to really look GOOD -- I'd use primer (which thankfully also comes in spray cans, dark and light) and now I am in love with rustoleum's 2X paint --it covers AMAZINGLY well. You save time, and probably money in the end, because you don't need as many coats. It's terrific --only drawback, not available in lots of colors.
Keep on spraying! :-)

Debra@CommonGround said...

Yep, mine too. "Now slow down" He would say. They just don't get it sometimes. So much decorating to do, so little time!

Mid-Atlantic Martha said...

I bought my very first can of spray paint today! Bed tray -- here I come!

Pam @ Frippery said...

I am a quick and cheap girl too. It's only paint, but I have been using Rustoleums 2X paint and I agree with Cass, it is fabulous! It will put you in a Tizzy with it's wonderfullness, tee hee. Us spray painting girl's have to stick together!

Glenda/MidSouth said...

Gotta love that spray paint.:) I agree with the others, the 2X by Rustoleum is some good stuff.

Rebecca Nelson said...

I use to use the cheap I never do. I found I used 5 times the cheap to one of the good. I'm into cheap...but I want it to look good, TOO! I sooo relate to you. I've finally given into SOME THINGS! :)

LOVE YOUR BLOGGIE. You are an amazing writer! Whoo Hooo! You make me SMILE!


Mari @ Once Upon a Plate said...

Oh Laura, that blue and white makes my heart skip a beat ~ it's my all-time favorite combination.

It's great to learn things from our blogger friends ~ DH always directed me to use primer first... (I'm a step-skipper, too!) But now I do, and what a difference it makes. Well, now we know ~ right?!

Can't wait to see your chair re-do. xo

Barbara Jean said...

Glad for the tips about spray paint ladies.

I'm a cheap paint user too, unless they do not have the colors i want, then have to get the $ stuff. =0))

I'll be trying that rust. 2X.

Laura, know what you mean about putting comp. away so you can get more done.
I'd have a garage full of stuff painted if I'd turn this thing off.


barbara jean

Blondie's Journal said...

You know Barb, I was beginning to think there was a missing link somewhere in my spray painting, however I have been known to cut many corners in just about everything I do, so I "get what I give"... Bingo on the primer.

Did you know Behr (at Home Depot) now makes a paint with primer in it? I love it. I do not know if they have that type of spray paint but it is worth a look.


susan said...

Laura-I am a 99 cent Walmart spray paint girl too! I still think if I am not doing a huge job, it is the best deal going. I saw your post about your mom's cookie cutters. Isn't amazing the things we will keep just because they once owned it; because they once touched it...somehow I think I am hoping to get some magic power or message...and every now and then I do :)

Domestic Designer said...

Good Luck with your project. I know it is going to turn out great!

Angie said...

I buy the cheap Walmart stuff too!

Mary said...

Hi Laura, I am so in agreement about the computer gobbling up my project time...I keep thinking I'll get a better idea if I look at blogs just one more hour...that turns into 5! I was buying an expensive primer for some side chairs, but the clerk at Ace told me there brand was just as good...NOT. There was a huge difference, and I spent more money in the long run. I figured that I might spend an additional $50 a year on paint by buying the better brands, and that includes regular quarts and gallons, so that $50 a year I spent is only 5 or 6 lunches out that I didn't get...and didn't need! I'd rather have a good looking finished product and more time left over than worry about pennies on the dollar. Live and learn...we all have to go through that, it seems. Looking forward to all you get done after you lock up your computer! And my husband tells me the same thing...he's worried I'm going to have a hernia! Take care!

Michelle said...

I too am a buyer of the cheap spray paint. Can't help it. It pains me to pay more for something like spray paint, but I might be willing to give it a try with some primer. If your project turns out great!

Barbara Jean said...

Yes Laura,
Three projects in three weeks. =0)
That will do 'er. =0)
Next week on Tuesday, i reveal what i did with my frames, more than 3!!

barbara jean

June said...

Hi Laura,
Thank you for the sweet words you left for me over at my place. First about Rebecca's shop. She shops all year long for amazing and unique treasures and stores them in her garage (detached) that her husband has fixed up into a sweet boutique. She only opens on July 4th and Labor day. People wait and save all year to shop her sale. She and her husband travel a lot and she has no desire to be open more than the 2 holidays. I live near the resort town of Sun Valley and that is why she picks those two holidays, because we have major celebrations going on in the valley and people come from all over to attend. She is open about 4 days each holiday. If you want the goods, one must be there when the doors open the first day. She doesn't hold things back for different days, so it truly is who gets there first. By the fourth day there isn't a lot left. She doesn't make deals either, but her prices are more than fair.I did a post just after the 4th of July and showed many of the pictures of her shop.
Then about your second ???. My garden is about 10 yrs old , but once I designed the beds and planted them, it was only about three years that it filled in and looked good. Of course the trees take longer. I buy my roses from local nurseries (own root stock only) and I buy shrub roses and some other hardy and vigorous ones. I do not grow hybrid teas because I don't like how they look in the landscape. It's hard to work them into the beds and they are more disease prone. I do fertilize. I usually use 'Rose Pride' and I feritlize about 3 to 4 times during the growing season. I never fertilize past Aug. 1st in my climate. I'm zone 4. I only prune in the spring because in my area I get a lot of winter die back. This is probably more info than you wanted and I'm sorry this is so lengthy. Hope it helps.

Chari at Happy To Design said...

Hi Laura...

Hehe...just giggled when I read what your husband said! So cute! Well my friend, I must admit that I usually don't use a primer when spray painting something...unless it's furniture and then I have found that using primer saves lots of steps in the end!

I just love how your pretty white shelves turned out! Ohhh...and all of those gorgeous blue and white dishes just look fabulous on those new shelves!!! My friend, your walls are the perfect shade of buttery're absolutely right about the blue and white looking fantastic with them!!! Thanks for sharing more of your projects and beautiful home with all of us!!!

Just wanted to let you know that I left you a note on your Sunday Favorites sorry that I'm so late at getting by for a visit! It was such a busy holiday weekend for us! Sure enjoyed your post!!!

Warmest wishes,

savvycityfarmer said...

I, too, only use a brush ...
If I do hit the Depot, it's for their most expensive can ... this summer I painted wicker high gloss black ... I even splurged on the little 3$ thing-y that holds the nozzle down ... amazing!!!!

nice chatting via email

Susan Graham said...

I just love your blog and I think your article is so awesome!! I love antiques and what a way to go green!! I think the towels would just be so adorable also. Thanks for sharing the story about how it was made. Makes it that more special! Take care, Fran.

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Pretty good post. I just stumbled upon your blog and wanted to say that I have really enjoyed reading your blog posts. Any way I’ll be subscribing to your feed and I hope you post again soon.

Susan Graham

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