Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Hollywood Regency Style


(Preface:  Our middle daughter Lauren is the expert on this type of style; I am not.  She has collected unbelievable things.)

        Dare I do a post on Hollywood regency style and a tablescape?


        It all started with finding this in a closet this morning (while digging) . This remnant is from a stack of fabric I bought last summer in Dallas.

        It has the perfect sheen, is a wonderful color combination of dull gold and aquamarine, and as I looked at it , I started feeling inspired.


        So often I read about using an inspiration piece.  That is not how I operate.

         I am of the ‘one thing leads to another’ school of thought, which causes me to become inspired, which somehow feels different to me.

And so I began building a tablescape for one, just so I could play.


         I remembered the Franciscan Gold Renaissance that I have been collecting for our youngest daughter Katherine (of the ‘giving me back things I had given her’ fame).

        She saw it on the cover of Southern Lady several years ago, and she said she had to have it.

         And so I began collecting it for her.

         This tablescape , which reminds me of old movies, includes the following:

mirrored placemat/white pottery charger

Franciscan Gold Renaissance dinner plate and an aqua dinner plate that I love (but I only have one)


I also played with a 4 calling birds dessert plate from a set Katherine gave me at Christmas


an initialed linen napkin, my regency styled silverplate, a crystal goblet, and a brushed gold coaster


         And then the table extras began.  I am a great fan of high and low and, above all, doing the opposite of what is expected.

        For example, I tried my gold baroque, regency styled buffet lamp thinking it would look so cool to have buffet lamps on the table instead of candlesticks (And I mean a lit buffet lamp-low watt). 


        I haven’t figured out the plugs yet.


        Then I added a few rose bowls, empty, because I love them that way. 

        Next was a crystal chest I have ,where I could use some more opposite thinking.


        A brass monogram and a small crystal votive and white candle seemed right.

        Next was my white, glossy ceramic horse, of a pair I found at Ross. 


Clarification: they were not a pair because they are both headed the same direction, but I bought 2 anyway .

        I switched out the mirrored charger to a white one and moved in a wicker chair.


Final note:  Now that I have publicly admitted that I collected these dishes for one daughter, I will be in deep trouble. 

I have two other daughters who also love dishes.

Please check on me if I don’t surface soon.

Doesn’t that sound like the movies too?


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Anonymous said...

I've always wanted a set of china with a bird pattern but never found one I could afford. Really like the bird plates you have!


trash talk said...

Perfect take on an elegant style...veddy "Dinner At Eight"!

Phyllis @Around the House said...

I do love the china with the bird on it,,I sonmetimes build the setting the same way, just one setting at a time and just play with it, it can be messy though, thats half the fun anyway, loved the setting...

Just a dreamer said...

Nicely done. The horse is magnificent. What a gorgeous and striking centerpiece. I think you accomplished what you set out to do, ever so beautiful. Jackie

Pondside said...

Very elegant!

D.B. said...

This is my kind of tablescape! It's beautiful!!! Love the horse.

Lynn said...

A very nice setting, I love the aqua plate! Sounds like you'll be collecting more dishes soon:@)

Privet and Holly said...

Fantastic, Laura ~ I
think you could have
a career as a stylist,
if you wanted it! You
really thought outside
the box, WITH the crystal
box, the letter and the
Those dishes are gorgeous.
Think you better start
collecting for your other
xx Suzanne

Kim @ Savvy Southern Style said...

The colors of your tablescape are stunning. I love every detail and I hope your daughters don't get too mad.

Diana Ferguson said...


Olive said...

Lovely Laura. The aqua piece is virtually identical to four I have that were Joe's mother's. Your daughter's will be fine. Yes?

deb said...

I've been collecting china for my 2 daughters as well. Have 3 sets now (one Sheffield I got at auction for $30, so I couldn't resist - maybe I'll give it to my son)! It's great fun, but you're right, have to collect for all of them!!

I Do Declare said...

Oh my goodness - that table looks just stunning! I love everything about it!!!

Marigene said...


Deb said...

love the way your mind thinks Laura...

Carole and Chewy said...

Beautiful tablescape. I love seeing it here, because I will never see it at my own home. At least not without a cat curled up in the middle of it.

Chatty Crone said...

Gorgeous tablescape. Sandie

June said...

Oh are in sooo much trouble!!! I know all about it, being the mother of four daughters myself.hehe
This place setting is gorgeous and your tablescape is too. I am not good at tablescapes at all. I don't have any kind of knack for it. I think for you southern women it must be bred into you. Idahoans...not so much! lol
hugs to you from here

Linda @ A La Carte said...

Laura this is absolutely gorgeous! So elegant!
So now you will have to collect for two more daughters!!

Glenda/MidSouth said...

So Pretty! Yep! Sounds like you will be shopping for more dishes in the future. :D

Lisa said...

This color combo is so scrumptious! Such a beautiful table!

Sandra said...

You dared and You did it! Lovely. xoxo

Tricia said...

What fun you had putting together that beautiful setting! I enjoyed your writing, too! LOL about collecting dishes for only ONE daughter! I hope she will let you borrow it back at times.

Unknown said...

So elegant!

Barbara said...

This is such a gorgeous table. That cloth was the perfect inspiration. You have some lovely dishes.

Donna at the Scarlet Petticoat said...

i had a bunch of those aqua rimmed dishes in my hand at goodwill the other day! why did i not buy them?! the whole thing is just beautiful! your daughters are lucky.
all the best,

Rebecca Nelson said...

Ok girl...I'm LOVIN' THIS TABLE! I am amazed at how lovely it all came out and how much I really do love love love it. I'm not a blue person at all but I would SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO love to have this exact table in my home. BEAUTIFUL! I'm sooo glad you shared. Helps me think beyond CREAM! BAH!

Love to you~


Theresa said...

Oh how beautiful, Laura! I love the colors, the layering and that gorgeous bird:) Just pass it all on to me and it will save the bickering! Have a blessed day my sweet friend! Big hugs!

Janean said...

i got giddy just seeing such fan-tab-u-lous china!!! beautiful.

Cottage Rose said...

OH Laura what a stunning table setting,,, I am in love with those dishes,, they are just beautiful... you set a gorgeous table,,,, I hope your other daughters go easy on


Sandra said...

Hi Laura. Oh my goodness! You did a great job ont he tablescape! Wow! It is beautiful! I love the color! Thanks for sharing with us!

Entertaining Women said...

If it were okay to covet, I would covet that wonderful fabric. I love to make tablecloths, and I can just see that fabric on one of my tables. I love that you share a love of tablescaping with your daughter/s. I also have a ball sharing design ideas with my daughter and daughter-in-love. My d-i-l has a wonderful blog, too. Check it out; I think that you'll like it. She is the one who has encouraged me to blog. From blue & white devotee to another, thank you for your kind words for my post. I'll be following you to see what marvelous ideas you have for me next. Cherry Kay

Julio Muao said...

Hi Laura!

You've definitely captured the Hollywood Regency feel with this setting. Aqua plays a very big role in the style. I love it. I also love the look of your entire blog. I love love the Tang horse. Including it on your table added cultural sophistication. A great way to solve the daughter conflict is to simply give the dishes to me:-)

Sweetladyelaine said...

A very elegant tablescape! I can't decide which dish I like the most. They are all so pretty! I think you have captured the Hollywood Regency feel...Thank you for sharing!

Sarah said...

Oh, I find this all stunning and oh, so elegant. Love the color and the Regency feel. I think you did a fabulous job! ~ Sarah

Anonymous said...

As one of 3 sisters I know this story well! I assume you will be doing another post soon on the next lot of dishes you will be collecting....hee hee!

Best wishes,

Lemon Lane Studio said...

You are so funny! I have two daughters so I know all about the balancing act we moms must play. Your table is so glamorous. Isn't fun to rediscover treasure and mix and match them with such glorious results. Simply stunning! Have a beautiful weekend, Patty

fitty's pinky rose cottage said...

I love your table setting and also love the colours you used.. fabulous!

Mary said...

You did a very good job of putting everything together. I really like your dishes. Have a great weekend! Mary

The Blackwood Cottage said...

The snippets of gold and brass are lovely.

Sherry @ No Minimalist Here said...

Laura, Beautiful tablescape...very elegant! I love the color of the dishes and the fabric you used. Have a wonderful weekend.
Hugs, Sherry

ChaChaneen said...

I lurve this post! All those lovely dishes are just eye candy and your daughter will be thrilled with the completed collection. Perhaps your other daughters will go in a different collection direction. Hmmm

Burlap Luxe said...

This post is just beautiful...
I am in awwwww! with the embellished Christmas plate with that gold bird!

Thank you for your wonderful comment.

Allison said...


I'm a new follower on your blog. Your tablescape is just stunning! My favorite colors...the aquas....Goregous! It looks so classy and elegant. One of the most beautiful tablescapes I've seen! I just painted a dresser in that same aqau. It seems to be a color that is timesless. Thanks for sharing your wonderful talent!

Debra@CommonGround said...

Just gorgeous, Laura. Love that color combination of yummy blue and gold. Did you "dress" for dinner "dahling"? And make an entrance down the staircase?
Love it!!!

Marguerite said...

You are amazing and I love the way your mind works! Birds of a feather...! Lovely tablescape and gorgeous accents! Love the addition of the wicker chair, too! Have a great Sunday!

CHERI said...

Very elegant, very sophisticated. I haven't gotten into the tablescapes but I do sometimes set the table nicely for my husband and myself...even light candles!

Manuela@A Cultivated Nest said...

Your tablescape is so beautiful and very elegant!


Nancy's Notes said...

Laura, I like the way you think. Your tablescape is so full of character, I love every remarkable detail. You have such a great eye, are so skillful and can pull "all" things together in such an impressive way, awesome!

I know you had fun-


Karen said...

Loved your posting. Lovely and funny at the same time.
By the way, the Franciscan was my china when David and I married. Found out about six months later that it was being discontinued. I loved it!
Ladybug Creek

Charlene said...

The one with the aqua band looks so familiar, someone I know has that pattern--maybe my mother, but I'm not certain. I like the way you've mixed and matched the different pieces!

René said...

That is an absolutely stunning table setting.


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