Thursday, January 13, 2011

New Orleans: So Mom Can Dance

IMGP1599 Royal Sonesta Hotel Lobby

New Orleans

Christmas 2010

Ever since I ran down the hall each Saturday morning,

after watching  American Bandstand,

to lock myself in my bedroom

to practice all of the latest dance moves

in front of the mirror,

I have loved to dance.

In fact,

I still do.

There is just one problem.

The opportunities to do so

are almost non-existent

in my day to day world

(other than wedding receptions-

where the guests should be a little lower profile).

So traditionally, when schedules permit,

we go to New Orleans after Christmas,

’so mom can dance'.


This morning as I write this,

while drinking my Louisiana Community Club coffee,

(which may be a truth serum!),

I want to say thank you-

*to my husband -

who has never tethered my needs or interests,

who gets it that Motown runs in my veins,


who has always been a willing partner,

in dance

and most of my other adventures,

*to my daughters-


*who don’t roll their eyes

*who have Motown running through their veins

and are

the best


I’ve ever seen.



Jayne said...

How lovely that they nurture that need for Mom! Put on those boogie shoes!!

trash talk said...

Shake those tail feathers! I know it's corny, but "dance like there's no one watching"....and remember to breathe.
P.S. If you've got the time...e-mail or call Jodi...she's the go-to gal for all things swampy.

Jojo said...

What a beautiful tradition and it's so wonderful that your family enjoys and honors your passion too! What a beautiful hotel.

From Beyond My Kitchen Window said...

Enjoy cutting up the rug. That a dance expression I heard someone say. Have fun!!!

Karen said...

Okay.. I am now on a mission... to find a place to go dancing. And it's no wonder your daughters are such fabulous dancers. So are their parents!! (My mind is traveling back a few years to some very fun memories.)
Have a great day, Miss Laura!
Ladybug Creek

Theresa said...

Oh how fun! We dance too, every chance we get:) ENJOY! HUGS!

Loui♥ said...

anytime.. anywhere!!
beautiful post!
and New Orleans is definitely a place to DANCE!
warmest hugs!

TexWisGirl said...

How sweet! That hallway with all the trees is magnificent! :)

Donna @ The House on the Corner said...

Ok - so I only dance in front of the TV when no ones home - but I do love to dance. It's wonderful that you have a family to dance with you!!

Glenda/MidSouth said...

Good for you! Keep on dancing.
I use to dance - a lot. I would probably have to be put in traction if I did now. :D
Have a great day.

Lisa said...

Don't you just love NOLA! There is no place like it on earth!
PS Who in the world doesn't love Motown?

Sandra said...

Have the most FUN! My children may have been the only ones who knew words to the Motown songs. Best way to bring them up, right? :-) Xoxo

Sandy aka Doris the Great said...

I love to dance too. And up until a year ago, I only got to dance at weddings and in the aisles of my supermarket. But I met a wonderful group of single ladies who all go to the many dances held in the little villages in my area. At least every 2 months we are "tripping the light fantastic" with each other.

Marguerite said...

Welcome to Louisiana, cher! Gorgeous hotel and I'm so excited for you! Will you be going to Whiskey River on Sunday, on your way home? Lassiez les bon ton rouler!

Deb said...

I love to dance also...and Motown definately runs through these go girl

Journey said...

How wonderful. You are truly blessed!

Olive said...

Break it Down Laura and shake your...well you know! At one of my former jobs we used to have parties where we danced. Few opportunities now.

trash talk said...

I thought of a coupla more things to tell you...keep a respectable distance while dancing and hands where they can be seen at all times!

NanaDiana said...

Laura- Please tell me you aren't still Disco Dancing! lol How about the Shimmey...or my personal favorite, The Bump~ You go yourself silly- I love that fact about you- xxoo Diana

Cass @ That Old House said...

As the nuns at my girls' high school used to say as they patrolled the school dances ... "Leave room for the Holy Spirit between you and your partner!"

Lovely fun post! I am swooning over that hallway at the hotel. Wow.

Blondie's Journal said...

My family is the exact opposite...they have zero tolerance for me dancing. I need a girls night out {preferably in New Orleans!}.


Lea @ CiCis Corner said...

Oh, we stayed at the Royal Sonesta the first week-end it opened after Katrina hit it. It was the first week-end of Dec. and it was fabulous! Seeing these pictures brought back such fun memories. I

As always, enjoyed this entry!

etphonehome21 said...

They are seriously the BEST dancers and have tried so many times to get me to dance with some rhythm. Can we have a Townsend/Harrison NO trip? I don't know if my Mom's ever gone, but I went on a crazy trip with my Dad.

Doris said...

Hi! Thanks for your visit the other day. It's always so special to see a new name with a comment!

The pictures are stunning! I do not dance....but it looks like so much fun for those who do. Maybe someday I'll be brave enough to give it a try....maybe!

jamie@midcenturymania said...

Keep that mojo working girl! I loved this post. Dancing is good for the soul. Keep it up!

Pam @ Frippery said...

What fun! I think everyone should dance as often as possible! Just not in places where you might be taken away for doing so, like supermarket lines etc. I envy you New Orleans. I think you could even dance in a super market line there and get away with it!

Pondside said...

I love it!
One of the best things about going on a cruise is that every night after dinner we head for the lounge and dance all night - it's just about the only dancing we get to do!
Rock on!

Nancy's Notes said...

Oh Laura, that is just so neat and oh so very cool that you go there and enjoy life! I know it must be so incredibly satisfying! Is there anything more fun than dancing? Well, I do know I've see you and Mr. J. shake a leg, y'all do it quite well! How many years ago was that?

I love dancing. I think I could go out and dance every night. (lol) True! (Lol at myself) I think I really could.


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