Several weeks ago, I had the pleasure of guest posting at my dear friend
Joyce's blog , At Home With Jemma.
Before this post goes into the archives, I thought I would share it here at home.
Joyce's blog , At Home With Jemma.
Before this post goes into the archives, I thought I would share it here at home.
Many years ago , when my husband and I were
first married and we moved into our first home- a garage apartment teetering on top
of a carport in Kingsville,Texas-
we had the usual furnishings of that era:
bookshelves made out of cinder blocks and boards, lots of stereo equipment and albums, college mementos,
bookshelves made out of cinder blocks and boards, lots of stereo equipment and albums, college mementos,
and impractical (at that moment) wedding
I didn’t need to worry however,
because within a day my mother of White Spray Paint fame drove in from the ranch – her car loaded to the
top- followed by my father pulling a cattle
Out of that cattle trailer came my white bedroom furniture, a couch and chair,a small dining table and two chairs, and lamps.
And then relatives arrived.
My Uncle Jerry laid carpet, my Aunt Sherry painted walls,
my Murchison cousins brought gifts, my grandparents
brought all sorts of small appliances, all while my mother helped me make this simple,
bare place into a home.
Also on that day, unknown to me because that was
his way, my father had a side of butcher wrapped beef delivered to
Gafford’s Meat Locker on 14th street as a gift to us.
I may not have been much of a cook then, but with that side of beef, we ate well.
I drove to Gafford's every other day or so, went into the meat locker section, and picked out what we were going to have that night.
It was usually round steak, Del Monte canned green beans, and a potato .
The message here for me, which is the ongoing
of my blog White Spray Paint, is that it is about
the simple things in life
and enjoying what we
Whether it was years ago and my family was climbing those rickety garage apartment stairs bringing gifts, or it is something I enjoyed today while walking my yard, it is always about enjoying what I have.
Whether it was years ago and my family was climbing those rickety garage apartment stairs bringing gifts, or it is something I enjoyed today while walking my yard, it is always about enjoying what I have.
The flea market finds in the photos above, from the botanical birthday prints, to the lamps, to the brass tray table are simply ways I have made our house a home with beautiful things found in humble places.

Time is a funny thing.
I am still in so many ways the same young woman you just read about from many years ago ,
who stood in that garage apartment while her mother
guided her in how to make a house into a home.
I know you have that young girl in you too.
I know you have that young girl in you too.
Great post. Such a loving story of family and first homes.
Oh, what a precious post! I so enjoyed your story and it brought back memories to when I first got married and my sweet mom did the same thing...she guided me in her gentle way :)
Hugs to you!
How fortunate we were to have mothers around when we were young, married, and fairly penniless!
Laura, this resonates in so many ways. I look at my house and realize, much of it came from elsewhere -- a marble topped table, china cabinet, big coffee table and my bedroom furniture from my parents house; a Stickley table a friend gave me because he didn't have room; trunks I have bought out antiquing, art pieces created by friends over the years... it all makes sense to me. Maybe not to everyone, but to me. And it is home.
Your home is beautiful but I suspect it is all the more so because it is filled with things given or chosen in love. And really, isn't that what a home should be?
What a sweet post. So different from what young people see on tv, especially those first home stories on HGTV.
What a sweet post! It is so funny that we all start out with the most simple furnishings and feel that we have the most! However, as we grow, we feel that we need to have so much more. Now that we are empty nesters, I'm appreciating the simple things all over again. I am content.
What a lovely post! Don't you think those humble beginnings are the bedrock foundations of great marriages? As my children say,"The struggle is real". LOL How wonderful it is looking back on those times and realizing how precious they were.
We all start out with so little and get by on a shoestring-- but looking back for most of us -ALL really, it's the Love of family and friends and sometimes that certain some one that helps us grow through it!
As always I enjoy reading your posts-- always thought provoking.
Thanks to you, I experienced memories this morning of tiny FURNISHED trailer nestled in a trailer park in Tyler Texas--- and lugging my laundry to the laundromat... And hiding my puppy from the landlord... Oh, and the pay phone at the gas station across the loop! I cherished those collect phone calls home and never took them for granted.
... And Mail!
Good times!
Thanks Laura!
The kindness of your family touches my heart and since you remember it in such detail, I know you feel that way, too. Funny how we evolve and grow and lean toward the bigger things in life, butwe never lose sight of what we learned in those leaner days.
This reminds me of our starter days Ina two bedroom apartment. Both f us in grad school and not much money. I did some substitute teaching while completing my masters degree. Hubby's family raised cattle and we always had beef in the freezer. I had a cookbook to help teach me how to make a different beef dish every night. Ha! Hubby's father got a living room suite for the apartment...Mediterranean style! All gold fabric with faux wood side and coffee tables. They were new and wonderful for us until we were out of school. ah, the memories of spending $15.00 a week at the grocery! Ha!
We moved into our first apartment together in college during Christmas break after a snowy wedding and honeymoon. Our furniture was similar to yours and our parents kept us alive with their "gifts". Good memories. It seems that today young people start out with all nice things. I think they are missing some good bonding and memories! Thanks for the reminder of those simple times.
This is so sweet...brings back memories for me, too!
I learned so much from having little and finding treasures that cost next to nothing. There were so many places where you could find attractive decor items for so little money. We ate chicken and tuna fish all the time! My car heater didn't work but I was attending school very close by. Many mornings my windows would be iced up so I had to hold my head out of the window to see! Haha! It teaches you to be so appreciative. Loved this post, Laura!
I love this post, one of my favorites. I can just see your Mom and Dad doing that. And we in turn have done the same for our daughters.
And the cinder block shelves and the stereo equipment....made me chuckle because we had the very same thing!
Don't ever stop writing on your blog....I so look forward to reading it. Love you, JB
The sentiment, as well as the words, are beautiful. What a wonderful family you come from, Laura. Thanks for sharing such a sweet story. Enjoy your week.
Love! Sweet, sweet, sweet. What a lovely story. You are blessed.
I had those same humble beginnings and I am thankful for what I had. Sweet memories of those days long ago and the kindness of family and friends. Ahhhh to go back for just one day with my Mama and Daddy. Have a blessed week dear Laura. Hugs
Hi Laura! Oh, what a sweet sweet story of home and family. When I got married all I had was a rocking chair, TV and my hope chest! ;) My mother and daddy helped us so much too. It's so nice to read your gratitude for the love your family gave you.
Be a sweetie,
Shelia ;)
Yes, such a sweet story of home and family. I think we can all relate to this post. Somehow life can get real complicated as we "grow up." But, it truly is the little things, the simple things that really matter. Happy week!
That's a lovely story for the store of family Remember Whens.
My parents were responsible for much of the furnishing of our first home. I think I'll have to blog about it......and link back to you!
Love this sweet story. thanks, as always, for sharing. :)
What a lovely message. And you've certainly created beauty out of flea market finds!
I truly enjoyed reading this post. Thanks so much for sharing it.
Well, I'm an old lady, but you young bloggers have made our home a much more pleasant place to be!! Hardly a "read" goes by that I don't learn something new. I came here (a year or three ago) because I was in love with your zinnias, but you have taught me so much more...especially about using what I have and making things pretty!
Blessings to you,
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