Monday, May 10, 2010

And Then…



        If one thing does indeed lead to another, since May 1st , in my life , it leads to ten.

        This in NO WAY compares to real hardship; this simply affords me the chance to use my favorite expression:

                             It Is What It Is.

        A few weeks ago after a week of rain and during one Saturday night of torrential rain, I heard my husband yell from the bedroom,

                     “You better come see this.”

        Rain was gushing out of the ceiling fan. For those of us raised during the era of BE AFRAID OF THINGS, water and electricity do not mix.

        We did all of the I Love Lucy tricks we could think of with buckets and pans, and then we laughed.

        We stopped laughing and started mumbling as estimates came in.

        My husband’s recent expression is very similar to that period of time when we had two daughters in college.

        And so Lucy and Ricky now have a new roof which led to replacing boards on the fascia , which led to the outside of the house being painted , and because it then would not match the detached garage, we had the garage painted, and yes the previous paint color was discontinued, but we (Sherwin Williams) found the formula (Casa Blanca) and now the doors are being painted, and tonight we will get the estimate to replace the ceiling sheetrock in our bedroom, as well as tape it, float it, and paint it. Oh and we will need to steam clean our carpet at the very least.



        And then as I walked into the bedroom that I now call my office, I heard what sounded like a large freight train coming through the wall.  It was the air conditioning unit, which is right outside the bedroom wall, preparing for blast off.

        And then we discovered bees in the backyard.

        So I have been eating York Peppermint patties because that is all we have in the house. 

        What I really wanted was banana caramel pie, lemon bars, and chocolate sheet cake. 

        Does anyone understand this?




Anonymous said...

When it rains,it pours. As my sister says, "If I was diagnosed with cancer, none of this would really matter."

We all need someone(s) in our life that can talk us off the bridge(total figure of speech)and put life into perspective. Lucky for you, you have 429 of us :) I'll take a peppermint patty now, thank you.

Debbie's Garden said...

Since May FIRST?!?! You do know there are Thirty One days in May dont you?

Blondie's Journal said...

It's the domino effect that most homeowners experience, and it is what it is.


Julie Harward said...

Sounds like a big is what it is! At least uou can laugh about it at the same time! I hope nothing more happens..June is a coming, hang on, I keep telling myself and I'll tell you... it can only get better! Come say hi :D

Needles Everywhere said...

Sounds so familiar. It is NEVER one thing. Good thing we were good at multi-tasking before it had a name. I enjoyed this post, thanks for sharing it.

Deb said...

we were talking about that this morning...when it rains it seems like troubles come in big old buckets instead of tiny rain drops...I guess it makes us stronger...

Lorilee said...

Oh, the joys of home ownership!

Linda @ A La Carte said...

Somtimes it just goes that way. It's awful at the time but you will get through it.

Kat said...

For those of us raised in the era of "Be afraid of things". You are priceless! Glad that you can laugh, but sometimes it's the only good response. Hope things start smoothing out for you soon. Kathy

Carrie @ Cottage Cozy said...

Funny you would post about your rook, Laura...we put a brand new roof on our house only months ago....never knowing we would be moving away! Oh you say "It is what it it"....Thank you for your sweet meant a lot to me today!

Fondly, Carrie

Nola said...

Thank goodness for chocolate! It won't eliminate problems, but it helps make them tolerable. Wish I could send you the banana caramel pie, lemon bars, chocolate sheet cake, AND a side order of ice cream!

Carole and Chewy said...

I'm not laughing - really, I'm not.

I'm just so happy it's someone else's turn for a change....

Kim @ Savvy Southern Style said...

I don't mean to be sitting here laughing my head off, but that last part was so funny!! I am so sorry you are going through all that. It always works that way with home ownership. One thing leads to another and another....

Anonymous said...

Peppermint patties, yum! Look on the bright side, it cant stay May for ever! Hope the month improves!

B. said...

I completely understand.

Stacey said...

Oh honey, that's the way it seems to be pretty often around here. Our house is only 10 years old and yet it's always something! We constantly joke that you never know what to expect with home ownership.

Unknown said...

I'll share my coconut bar with you! It's one thing after another, isn't it ... our porch is being done today.

Have a lovely week.
TTFN ~ Marydon

Patricia @ 9th and Denver said...

You're right 'it is what it is'...
I say,
" if we all put our problems in a hat, ...we'd each take our own problems back"
(in a heart beat)
We wouldn't know what to do with somebody else's problems!

erin's art and gardens said...

i COMPLETELY understand!! hang in there.

Down by the Seashore Marianne said...

Just like Roseanne-Rosanna-Danna said: "It's ALWAYS something"!!! Love your humor element amidst all the chaos, Laura...sometimes we laugh to keep from crying, right? My Dad always noted: "if money can fix it, it's not a problem". Glad you two are safe and sound now under that new roof, and hopefully did not also need a new A/C unit! Thanks for sharing!

donna baker said...

It has happened to all of us too many times to count and yet, you never get used to it. Trying times pass by thank goodness. One of my refrigerators went out and I lost everything from the garden et al. And we need a new roof too. I better light a fire under my husband before we have what happened to you.

Elizabethd said...

It's a bit like bills, they never ever come singly, always in threes, it seems.

Theresa said...

Girl, you are gonna end up with a NEW house:) Happy that you roll with the punches but enough already, right? Have a blessed day and hopefully that is all of the bad luck for you! HUGS!

Karen said...

Laura, your home is looking fabulous! So many busy bees working around there. Exciting! It's looking great.
And I know perfectly well those are sugarless peppermint patties.
Keep on keepin' on... one foot in front of the other.
Ladybug Creek

Pam @ Frippery said...

I can totally relate! Just think of all the fresh new things you will have...and not how much they cost. I know easier said than done. I always say, a Klondike Bar can cure anything. Hugs, Pam

Tanna said...

Hershey's Milk Chocolate and Almond Nuggets!!!!

Lisa said...

Well if it ain't one thing it's two...or seven.:)
PS Chocolate is always good.

Amy said...

I totally understand eating more when I'm stressed but the York Pepperment Patties would have worked just fine for me!!

Marguerite said...

Well, at least you have kept your sense of humor! Better to get it all straightened out now, so you can relax and enjoy your summer. I hear you on the chocolate!

Contemplating Cadie said...

OH MY!!! I loved this post!

Rustydiva said...

H-I-L-L-A-R-I-OUS!!!! and a little too close to home for the rest of us. Great post! I was thinking "electricity and water don't mix" before I read what else you wrote and cracked up at the "era of be afraid of things" comment. Guess I'm from that era! Sending good vibes your way ~ June is almost here!!!

Glenda/MidSouth said...

I am so sorry! Yes - electricity and water is something to be afraid of!! I am having to deal with some issues here, and won't know for a couple of days what the costs will be. I also have been munching on Pearson's Mint patties the last couple of days - just ate 2. :D

La Dolfina said...

So glad you dropped by today! Thanks for your comment. I love the name of your blog and am off to have a look around :)

Cindi @ Rustique Art said...

Well sweetie at least you had the good sense to eat some dark chocolate in your moment of stress. Thank you God for that little piece of heaven that you provided for your daughters.

Hopefully your turning the corner on home repair. :)

Sarah said...

Laura, I totally understand this! And I'm all in favor of the chocolate solution. I frequently resort to that myself. Hope life eases up a bit. Hate to have to spend money on this kind of home improvements. :-)

Linda (Nina's Nest) said...

Whew! That makes me tired! But, you know, a house is really a money pit. At least you should be "good to go" on the roof for about 30 years! Linda

Privet and Holly said...

So, Laura, what you are REALLY saying was that the water leak was a blessing in disguise?! Think of how long it would have taken to get all of these improvements done if you'd ambled through them, the old-fashioned, what's-the-rush kind of way! Now everything is fresh and new. Thanks for visiting me recently and I've enjoyed returning the call to your very fun blog! xx P&H

Beeutiful by Design said...

Yes! It is what it is and at my house it is a $8,900 new roof and a $2,900 new water line, which would have made a much lovelier $11,800 trip to Paris :)

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