Friday, December 3, 2010

Christmas Jamming


My method for decorating at Christmas is that everything

usually goes on top

of everything else.

The name for this technique?

Why jamming of course.

Blue and white is such an important part of my home,

Christmas decorations need to work with

my blue and white-

not instead of it.





I have done less this year (two trees instead of three…) ,

but one of the freeing things about

my life now-

is that it is all OK.




I am linking to Miss Rhoda’s Christmas Vignette party today.


Low Tide High Style said...

What a gorgeous vignette, I love how you have incorportated blue and white into your Christmas decor! And less is more sometimes, so I'm glad you are finding a balance between doing what you think you need to, and doing what you love! Besides, having 2 trees is still a lot of work! I can't wait to see both of them!

Kat :)

I Do Declare said...

Everything looks so pretty! I love the Christmas china in your blog header!

Olive said...

I love it...jamming...the red is lovely with the blue and white. I left my blue and white just where it was also...surely we are cosmic sista's. merry♥O

Glenda/MidSouth said...

Your vignette is very pretty! I did a whole lot less this year also.
Have a great weekend.

Rae said...

I love blue and white!
Very pretty Laura.

Anonymous said...

Hi Laura! I love all your pretty decorations. The reds looks gorgeous with your blues and whites!! Now I'm liking your word 'jamming'. I'm going to use that from now on. :)
Thanks for popping in to see me.
Be a sweetie,
Shelia ;)

Anita@Theycallmejammi said...

Blue and white is so classic that it will work with anything if done correctly...and you have definetly done it correctly. Beautiful. I agree with your comment on feeling comfortable with not doing 'everything'. It used to drive me crazy if everything was not just right, but now if I only feel like putting out half my decorations, I do it freely without worry. The joy is that either way, it works out just fine. Have a great day.

Theresa said...

I do the same thing, stacking or jamming:) I emptied off a couple of areas but mostly just added to what is already there! You know what, it IS OK:) Have a blessed weekend! HUGS!

Bill said...

Hi Laura,

You are definitely jammin' ... I mean jamming -- fun term and gorgeous results!Your blue and white looks great with the holiday decor, fresh and elegant. Truly beautiful!

Marty@A Stroll Thru Life said...

Oh so pretty. What a fabulous vignette. Love your blue and white. Hugs, Marty

Anonymous said...

It really all goes so lovely together at Christmas. I don't think anyone should have to remove any of their home decor during the Holidays to make room for temporary decorations.

NanaDiana said...

Laura- I am a "stacker" too. I love things piled up - I think it is pleasing to the eye...unless, of course, it is those few extra POUNDS that I have piling up...that is NOT so pretty!>) Hugs- Diana

From Beyond My Kitchen Window said...

Your decorating looks very festive. The big bonus is that you didn't have to put your blue and white in a rubbermaid container until after Christmas is over. Lovely!!!

Sherry @ No Minimalist Here said...

Laura, You know how much I love blue and white so this vignette is perfect to me. Beautiful!
Happy Holidays,

Pondside said...

I keep my blue and white around all season long - it looks so good with the fresh cedar. I had to laugh at your version of minimizing - two instead of three trees!

June said...

You make it go together perfectly Laura! It works beautifully. I have always loved your blue and white. And now I love your blue and white and red and green! You made me laugh when you said you were simplifying and only two trees instead of three. I simplified last year, and that meant no tree at all.LOL! I'm waffling on whether to do a tree this year or keep simplifying.
I loved your previous post. I so enjoy your writing sweet friend.

Unknown said...

Your decorations are beautiful and rich looking ... I LOVE the blue and white! Thanks for visiting my blog today too! xo Sherri

Marguerite said...

Such a beautiful and festive vignette! And you are right, it is ok to do less. Less is more is my new motto! Cheers!

Rebecca Nelson said...

Always inspiring my friend. Such a fun experience to visit you!

Hoping this finds you GREAT and well. LOVE JAMMING! :)


Sue said...

I don't put away everything for the holidays either. I do move a few things to decorate table tops...but I keep out shells, etc. all year and make the holiday things work with them. I think things look very pretty at your house!

Lea @ CiCis Corner said...

Oh, so beautiful and so crisp and clean looking. I love, love it!


CHERI said...

Your decorations definitely go with your blue and's lovely. Every year I say I'm going to do less but I haven't made it yet! I've got to learn how to make my pictures look as pretty and clear as yours!

Deb said...

you jam good Laura....

Anonymous said...

Hi, I came to you from Midlife….
everything looks so lovely. I never thought of “jamming”.

come visit me, although I don’t have any Christmas pictures as of yet.


Attic Rat said...

You can come decorate my house any time you want!


Lindy said...

I am here from Rhoda's party! Love your blue with red. It is very sophisticated. I have a blue and white kitchen; at Christmas I only have blue and white decorations in there. Just love blue!

Sarah said...

Laura, I'm catching up on some blog reading this evening. Your blue and white is stunning. Works perfectly with any decorating!
Two instead of three ~ you sound like me. I put up several trees, but they are small. I still have boxes of decorations that have accumulated through the years. LOL


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