Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Faux Twitter From Road Trip

6:15 am  Made Starbucks coffee at home

7:30 am  Left house on car trip

7:40 am   Returned to house to collect forgotten shoes

7:57 am   Stopped at McDonald’s for more coffee

8:00 am   Drove and talked to husband about World Series while he shouted “Watch out!”

9:15 am   Stopped at Dairy Queen in Premont to get more coffee and breakfast tacos (potato and egg and bacon and egg)

10:00 am Still driving and spouting off professional sports theories (too much caffeine?)

10:01 am  Husband rolls eyes

1:00 pm   Stopped in Blanco for BBQ sandwich

1:20 pm  Husband now driving-YEA! Took a little nap

2:30 pm  Stopped and explored square in Llano

3:30 pm  Explored Knot Hole Flea Market in Burnet

4:15 pm  Drove through Hamilton headed to…

5:30 pm  Hico.  Walked through a few shops. Wanted to eat a hamburger , as listed in Texas Monthly in their Top 50 , at the Coffee Cup Cafe- husband said we needed to get down the road.

6:30 pm Spending night in Stephenville.  Tomorrow I want to explore Glen Rose. Husband wants to visit friend in Dublin.



From the Old InkWell said... like coffee about as much as I do. :)

Paula said...

Hey Laura! Thanks for stopping in for a visit!! Hope you come back! This sounds like a crazy, fun trip. Hope you are having a good time!


trash talk said...

Now that's the kind of twittering I could get on board with!

Blondie's Journal said...

Ooooh...I'd love to faux twitter. Maybe I already do in my posts! You left out ten or more trips into the rest stops to use the facilities after all that coffee!!

Fun post, Laura. Keep it up (twittering. Faux style)


Marguerite said...

Sounds like fun! Bon Voyage!
ps I've been trying to contact you, by email, but yahoo is rejecting my message!

Karen said...

Oh, goodness, Laura. I was on a similar path last weekend... only left from Austin. Check out Rochelle and Brady. Now why does Glen Rose sound so familiar to me??
We have some catching up to do for sure. You will need to come down next week as I'm getting some major updates in my kitchen.
Ladybug Creek

Visual Vamp said...

Tweet this for me please :-)

If you're still up tonight would you do me a favor and vote for me - I'm in this little contest, and I'm losing by about 40 votes. You have a couple of hours left - the vote is for today Wednesday. Thanks xo xo
Here's the link:

Kat said...

Oh, the coffee stops. Sounds like our trips! Sounds like you're having fun, don't you just love exploring all the little town squares (you should check out Georgetown sometime). And if you stop in Dublin, make sure to get some "real" Dr. Pepper - it's the best! Kathy

Theresa said...

Sounds like a fun trip. Be safe and enjoy!!!

Dixie said...

You know Laura... Dr. Oz did a program on that coffee addiction thing recently... perhaps you should check it out?

(smiling to self...) Dixie

Anita@Theycallmejammi said...

Love your faux twitter post...too funny but oh so true!! How much coffee could a coffee girl chug if a coffee girl could chug coffee

Glenda/MidSouth said...

If I drank that much coffee, I would be spending the rest of the day looking for restrooms. :-)

B. said...

Love that play by play

Inspired Comblogulations said...

You do have a way with words...
PS. that's a lot of caffeine.
Come see me you just might get a chuckle, or not.

Wsprsweetly Of Cottages said...

Sounds AWFULLY good to me! But right now, anything happening outside this house is exciting and fantastic. Even a screaming husband!! LOL

Marigene said...

Sounds like a fun trip to me...even the "Watch out" part! Coffee...I can't get through the day without a couple cups...

Lee said...

Thanks so much for stopping by and leaving your comment. I will do a garden post soon.
I can't afford a gardner. I point, my husband digs. That is a whole other post. :)
Have a great weekend.
Ps. I do have pictures of the house posted and the garden... I just haven't figured out the blogging stuff enough to make it user friendly. I need to get that book you recommended but right now I can't afford to. Books ar luxuries right now.

Anonymous said...

You are hysterical!!!!!!!

Lee said...

If you are interested I went back and checked my home post are in my first few post starting in July. Just fyi.

Vintage Chicken said...

Sounds like a fun trip! Don't forget to stop by the Dr. Pepper plant in Dublin to get the REAL Dr. Pepper that's made with the real sugar! It's the most wonderful concoction...and I'm not a Dr. Pepper fan, but this stuff is tasty!

Hope you are taking pictures of your wonderful finds!

Bill said...

Hi Laura,
What fun! I've had a hard time wrapping my mind around twitter and why the heck people want to do it. Hmmmm ... shopping, coffee, driving, eating ... I DO those things! Finally, something to tweet about!
Hope you're having a great weekend! ;)

Apron Senorita said...

Hi Laura, there is nothing like a Texas Road trip. I was waiting for you to mention Whataburger because that is all that my kids want when we travel from the Rio Grande Valley to San Antonio.

Well, I will be moving to New Braunfels by January 1st. I can't wait to see what adventure God takes us on.

It was good talking to you again! Yoli :)

Anonymous said...

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