Thursday, October 15, 2009

Simple Pound Cake in My Mother’s Pan


     In searching for cake ingredients in my pantry cabinet today, to bake my husband a simple birthday cake, I remembered I had my mother’s bundt pan.  It had been in the ‘closet’ of my father’s garage.


     It has seen better days ,which makes it even more endearing to me.  I especially love it because its scale is smaller than the usual size bundt pan. It is the perfect size.

     That perfect storm of searching, feelings, the desire to bake a simple birthday cake with what I had on hand , a pan of my mother’s that is just the right size, all mixed up and thrown into my 20 year old oven , made today perfect.


   Simple Pound Cake Baked in Mother’s Pan

2 sticks butter, softened

2 cups sugar

2 cups flour

6 eggs

1 tsp vanilla

Mix the softened butter and sugar. Add eggs, one at a time. Once blended, add the flour. Mix well. Add vanilla , and I also added 1/2 tsp of almond extract and an extra tsp of vanilla.

Bake at 350 until done.

     Is this the best pound cake I have ever tasted? No, that award would have to go to my Aunt Jody.

     This is the easiest, and it would make a wonderful base for fruit and whipped cream (or a scoop of blue bell) because it has such a mild flavor.


Enjoy this and other recipes at Designs by Gollum’s Foodie Friday.


Blondie's Journal said...

Your pound cake looks delicious on it's own, but I am wondering what 'blue bell' is... This cake has to be one of my very favorites, (all the butter I'm sure) and about the only time I make whipped cream from scratch.

My mom had a pan very similar to yours. I always thought it was the strangest looking thing!!
Happy Birthday to your husband. I hope your family had a wonderful day, Laura!


Unknown said...

That is simple... Looks delish! Happy birthday to your hubby. And the pan is priceless!
Have a wonderful week end!
~Really Wicked Rainey~

Poppedijne said...

This is a recipie we also use in Belgium.We call it 4/4 the cake since you use the same weight for all 4 ingrediënts. It stays one of the best and the simplest cake recipies there are.

Karen said...

This looks so yummy, Laurie. Thinking about it now as I pour my first cup of coffee. If you hear a tapping on your window, it's me I'll be begging for a slice!!
Happy birthday, John!!
Ladybug Creek

The Quintessential Magpie said...

Laura, that looks so good I can just smell it cooking. Thank you for sharing the recipe with us. Love that it was baked in your mother's pan.


Sheila :-)

Debbie's Garden said...

I love pound cake. I use half a can of almond paste in my batter. Its the perfect go with coffee breakfast to take to work with me. Its also the perfect snack, hor dourve, dessert and meal. Yeah... its a weakness. When I make one I usually hate sharing it and make sure I get every piece until its gone. Shameful.

~ ~ Ahrisha ~ ~ said...

Pound cake is one of my favorites. So simple and great with a cup of coffee.

Glenda/MidSouth said...

Looks so good. Happy Birthday to your husband!

Mary Bergfeld said...

What a lovely cake. It will taste better for having baked in your Mother's pan :-). Have a wonderful day.

Patricia @ ButterYum said...

I have the same pan... weighs a ton!


Unknown said...

Laura....a beautiful post. I posted earlier this week on my love of Bundt pans (I have one similar to your Mom's that is cast iron...very heavy). What a treasure...your cake looks pretty good too ;)

Thanks for sharing!


Unknown said...

What a wonderful cake and so simple. I love using all my mom's old pans they always make baking so special. THANKS!!! for sharing. Geri

Cass @ That Old House said...

Laura, what a sweet and heartfelt post! Lovely-- from that darling old bundt pan with it's miles of use so charmingly evident, to that delicious recipe for pound cake ... just beautiful!
And how did you know that pound cake is my favorite?

Bargain Decorating with Laurie said...

How wonderful that you have your mother's bunt pan. Your cake looks delicious, and the recipe sounds easy enough for me. I'll be trying this. Thanks for the recipe. laurie

Sue said...

Your post made me smile. I would feel the same way if I were in your shoes. I have my grandmother's dutch oven and that is what I used to make my foodie post for today. There is much more to cooking than the food.


Theresa said...

Yummy! Love pound cake and I bet it is much better cooked in your Mom's pan:) I can smell it cooking and by the way... can you mail me a piece:) Have a blessed day!

Barbara said...

Looks great, will save recipe for special occasion. since we are on a diet.

please come to my blog for something for you.


Vickie said...

What could be better than a good old pound cake recipe! All that butter and sugar and eggs and vanilla makes a heavy, delicious special birthday cake. Lucky husband!

Deanna said...

This looks great!

Anonymous said...

It is so wonderful that you have that special baking pan. I was wondering if you prepare the pan in some way before you put the batter in it? Also, how long do you bake the cake? Thank you for shaing the recipe.


Julie said...

I have a bundt pan just like this one. I use it whenever I bake a sock-it-to-me cake. My Dad loves this cake.


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