Sunday, May 2, 2010

Projects Make Me Smile


        Some sort of genetic , code created chromosome in me- bequeathed by my parents- has me constantly thinking of and planning projects.

        Most , requiring physical labor, are best described as ‘working hard in my house’, or ‘working hard in my yard’.

        One of last week’s projects involved re-doing a small side yard.


        Now when I walk through there I can breathe.  I found the prettiest periwinkle blue I could (at WalMart, in Cobalt- a misleading name).  I also added some simple plants, a bench, and I am going to add white twinkle lights.


         I placed a turquoise bird, that I found at one of my favorite stores, Vida (in McAllen) on a piece of limestone.  This space is about peace and color and self-sufficiency.

        I didn’t enjoy walking through this space before, but now I do.IMG_0746


        I could never do a tutorial on painting.  I just sling.  I get it everywhere, but I am smiling while I am doing it.

        One more project completed- a million more to do.  That really makes me smile.


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Unknown said...

I love twinkle lights - fairy lights.

So pretty!!!!

Happy week,

Jojo said...

That is a beautiful transformation, cobalt or periwinkle, it's gorgeous!

GratefulPrayerThankfulHeart said...

Hard work always brings joy in the end and this project turned out beautifully! Very pretty color!

Deb said...

doesn't it make you smile to finish a matter how big or small

Deb said...

oh and I love the color...

Anonymous said...

Beautiful!! I love projects also - they are good for my heart.

Rebecca Nelson said...

It is gorgeous! I am smiling, too!


santamaker said...

Love it!

Sandra said...

As usual - I love it! When are you coming to Tennessee to help me with my projects???? We could have the MOST fun!! xoxo

Lou Cinda @ Tattered Hydrangeas said...

Oh Laura, this is beautiful!! Love the blue! So peaceful and serene! love it!

Lou Cinda :)

Karen said...

Really outstanding, Laura. Love the blue.

Kim @ Savvy Southern Style said...

I love the color you chose for your fence. So unique!

From the Old InkWell said...

OH! I so know what you mean. I am so project driven too! I really like your painted fence and the crosses look wonderful displayed on it!

June said...

Laura I LOVE IT!!! I think walking through here would be reason enough to smile. Good job girl! I hate to paint and certainly don't smile while I'm doing it. So how 'bout you come over and do my painting and just smile your sweet heart out! Please!

Debra@CommonGround said...

Laura, you're an inspiration. The crosses hanging on the fence really speak to me. It' looks calm and happy at the same time, A good place to sit and dream...ahhhh, and the twinkle lights, it will look like heaven. I want to see more!
I've missed talking to you, my life has been sort of crazy lately...
love ya,

Julie Harward said...

Thats what it's all about...the way it makes you feel..that makes it worth the work..looks great! Come say hi :D

Theresa said...

Gorgeous! When you finish with all of your, come help me:) Love the bird! Have a blessed dsy!

Barbara said...

Laura, Love the fence with the crosses. My husband came home with the same container of Chicks and Hens...he had never seen them and he loves them.

You would be proud...I am spraying painting every thing on my patio, etc. So far two bakers racks, five tables, one wrought iron design, one large Texas star, but I have four pieces of whicker furniture and several wall hangings to go.

Spray painting everywhere....will post it soon.
I think of you evertime I paint....on yes flower pots.


Debbie-Dabble Blog and A Debbie-Dabble Christmas said...

Love the color, love the crosses and I adore twinkle lights!

Debra from Bungalow said...

Hen and chicks ae on of my favorite all time plants. They are homey and old fashioned. You did a great job with your fence and the crosses.

Anonymous said...

Live your blue bird and the hen's and chicks.
Great job on your fence, too. Wish I were as creative as you are.

Take care-

Designs on 47th Street said...

Laura, this DOES look so serene. Very soothing color. I sold those little birds at my spring show. I wouldn't have thought to put it outdoors. And YES, I LOVE white dishes. Thanks so much for your recent visits. I love having you stop by.


Anonymous said...

Beautiful periwinkle and transformation in the side yard. Am partial to the little birdie.


Nancy's Notes said...

I love how you mix things together and create such a wonderful look! Great color!


Attic Rat said...

My oldest son paints like my husband does, but I'm a slinger, too. I always have to dress for the occasion.

I love what you did to your "spot".

Come see me sometime!

Happy hunting,

Renee said...

What a beautiful project.

My husband hates for me to pick up a paint brush so he does all the home painting.

Justabeachkat said...

Hi there!

Thanks for stopping by my blog and leaving your sweet comment. I'm not sure how you found me, but I'm so glad you did. By visiting me, I found my way here to your oh so beautiful blog. Isn't it fun to meet new bloggers?! I love it.

Love your project. It's one of those spots that just make you smile.


SmilingSally said...

It's so important to SMILE, and with the color blue! Happy Blue Monday.

Glenda/MidSouth said...

What a pretty setting - really like the crosss on the fence. Does look a little more periwinkle. :)

Sherry @ No Minimalist Here said...

Laura, Great transformation and I love the color of the fence and that you added the crosses. Sounds like you paint just like me! I end up with more on me than whatever I am painting.

Terry Lee said...

okay lady! you've inspired me to work on a part of my backyard that has been neglected for years.

you make it seem so simple, laura ... and now you have a space that you truly enjoy.

LOVE that lil bird!!! she is sooo sweet!

have a great week!

terry lee

Ann said...

What a beautiful tranquil spot this will be for you. The crosses are so wonderful. Your blue bird adds a lot to the space too. Have fun spending time there.

Anonymous said...

Twinkle lights will top it off! the shadows and blue are neat. Pretty succulents in that pot too! Enjoyed my visit! Thanks, Jenn

❀~Myrna~❀ said...

I love periwinkle blue ! A wonderful sideyard transformation !It's beautiful !

Susie Q said...

Lovely! and that shade of blue is just gorgeous! Oddly enough, that is how I paint too...;D

The Stylish House said...

What a pretty transformation! It makes me smile looking at it. The fairy lights will make it magical.

Diana Ferguson said...

So pretty!!!

Sue McPeak said...

Perfect spot to relax on a cool Texas evening. I'm inspired to take on a 'Fence Project', too. I'm glad to hear others are Parental Project Cursed! I say Thanks Mom and Dad for good Texas work ethics. I bet you do, too!

Janean said...

laura, the blue is so captivating...

Andrea said...

Looks like a great spot! I like your crosses and bird!
Thanks for stopping by my blog!

Sharlotte said...

I love this side yard...and your blog. I'm smitten!


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