Friday, December 17, 2010

Christmas Eve in South Texas


While the rest of the world is celebrating Christmas Eve
with a traditional menu,
my family celebrates it
South Texas style.
Christmas Eve is not a time for these.
Instead it is a time for
Because if your menu is like mine,
nothing works better.
If it is cold outside, I will prepare my friend Celeste’s
recipe for
Pozole, a wonderful soup with hominy.
Before eating it, it is delicious sprinkled with finely shredded
cabbage and white cheese.
I will serve it in my soup set that I bought on the side of the road (my favorite place to shop)
San Miguel de Allende.
I also use these plates which I bought in Dolores Hidalgo.
The rest of the menu includes
tamales from Delia’s in McAllen.
My favorite filling is cream cheese, jalapeno, and chicken.
(tamale purists would not approve…)
We will also have my husband’s
frijoles a la charra
(pinto beans).
We will also have salsitas, pico de gallo, guacamole,
and chili con queso.
For dessert?
Chocolate Sheet Cake- because
nothing is better with Mexican food than chocolate...
unless it’s my friend Anna’s pineapple empanaditas.
birthday celebration (23) 
I am linking to
Show and Tell Friday.



Rustydiva said...

Ummmm.....I'll be at your house Christmas Eve....what time do we eat? My mouth is literally watering at the thought of cream cheese, jalapeno and chicken tamales! My kind of Christmas meal!

Anonymous said...

Mmmmm! I ordered my tamales earlier this week and pick them up tomorrow.

My family spends Christmas Eve much like yours I'm sure. Tamales, menudo and lots of other goodies!

I would love it if you could share your pozole recipe.

Merry Christmas!
ella (austin, tx)

Deb said...

sounds great...we are having fajitas for our Christmas dinner...

Anonymous said...

Surely you think it's funny to tease this Hispanic gal that is far away from good, traditional Texas holiday food.

Oh, my heart be still. *this is my heart fluttering*

The tamales looks, well, divine. I know that's a pretty strong description of a tamale, but if you haven't had a really great tamale in a few years, then you understand. Divine. My mouth is watering for the masa, the blend spicy meat, the soft warm corn husk....

Laura, Laura, daughter is making tamales with a friend for our Christmas dinner but I'm wondering if they will taste....just how I remember. I love it that she's so excited to learn to make them - something I never learned and now regret.

Blondie's Journal said...

Your menu sounds delicious and inviting. I love traditions!


Anonymous said...

What time will you be serving, we are so there! Sounds wonderful.

Cindy said...

This menu sounds great! I would like this better than the traditional meal; my family would too!

Unknown said...

Set another plate if you are serving tamales ... I have been craving them & finally in Phoenix found 2 nights worth of fabulous great tamales.

So love your gorgeous dishes, Laura. You do have some beautiful place settings.

Have a beautiful Christmas season, all year ~
TTFN ~ Hugs, Marydon

D.B. said...

Tamales!!!! I just don't get them enough over here. Everything looks beautiful and tasty! I'm on my way over.............

Kim @ Savvy Southern Style said...

That all sounds yummy to me!

Glenda/MidSouth said...

Sounds so good!!

Lynn said...

Up here in NorCal we have chili and tamales too!
mmmmm can't wait!!! Love your platters and all!

Lisa said...

My parents live in New Mexico so my Mom's menu is very similar to yours. Is there any better midnight snack than a cold tamale? Yum!

Theresa said...

Love those beautiful dishes! AND Step away from the Pintos! YUMMY, my favorite! I love them fixed Mexican style! I'll be there when they are still hot, hehe!

Enjoy your evening! HUGS!

NanaDiana said...

What time should I be there for dinner? I love your menu...and love your dishes...and love Chocolate Sheet Cake~ We call it Texas sheet cake here-no kidding! Hugs- Diana

Low Tide High Style said... you think you could mail me some?!

Kat :)

Olive said...

Love those dishes Laura and the menu is off the chain! Love it!

Lorilee said...

Hmm, I've never heard of tamales with cream cheese for a filling. I've had beef, pork, and chicken! My husband frequently brings them from Harlengen, TX. I have had Mexican food many times at Christmas! We haven't decided what we will have this year! That soup sounds interesting. I have never heard of it!

Lea @ CiCis Corner said...

Love, love, love it! I'm a dish "freak" and I do love the dishes in these pictures. We will be eating out of my Portmeiron Pomona dishes. They fit our style much more than my fine china. :o)

Happy week-end!

Susan Nowell @ My Place to Yours said...

YUM! Laura, this Texas girl transplanted to Tennessee is having tamales on Christmas Eve, too! It's a longstanding tradition -- and a darn good one. I know you agree! Enjoy ... and a Merry Christmas to you and yours.

Gardener on Sherlock Street said...

What fun dishes! A joyous Christmas Eve celebration I'm sure.

Linda Jo said...

We'll be having tamales on Christmas Eve, too, here in Houston!!!

Tanna said...

Okay, now I want some cream cheese, chicken and jalapeno tamales! That sounds sounds yummy! I love a good pasole and your finds from the side of the road are beautiful. Just beautiful.

Pondside said...

One of the nicest things about blogging is learning about life in other places. Your Christmas Eve sounds wonderful! We will have a traditional Canadian celebration with Tortiere, or meat pie, after midnight mass.

Sharlotte said...

I love your Talavera! I've not seen the blue and white before, only the ones with all the color! Your meal sounds delicious!


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