Monday, June 29, 2009

Blue Monday

     Trying to decide on a subject for Blue Monday in my house is almost like saying ‘are you kidding me’? Why?Because I have so much blue and white everywhere. Thank you to Sally at Smiling Sally for a fun way to start the week.


     This is the large Blue Italian lasagna dish my oldest daughter gave me for Mother’s Day.


     Be still my heart. I must confess. I even dish-stalked my own daughter. When she selected Spode’s Blue Italian as part of her wedding registry, I realized I had to have it too.

     I am adding one more blue photo just for fun because I think it is so cute.  This little dress is a birthday gift for my goddaughter.


     Enjoy Blue Monday everyone!


SmilingSally said...

I may just begin to stalk you! What a delightful gift; what a well-trained daughter! Thanks for sharing. Happy 1st Blue Monday.

Faye said...

Laura,The dish is beautiful! Hope you have a great day! Blessings

Domestic Designer said...

I love the dish and I really love the dress. So Cute! Have a great Monday!

Carol Murdock said...

It's all gorgeous but I'd stalk too for that Lasanga Dish! :D

Marty@A Stroll Thru Life said...

LOVE the blue and white lasagna dish and the little dress is just precious. Great blues. Hugs, Marty

Joy Tilton said...

Oh so pretty! I need to go shopping now...

Cindy said...

What a precious dress! I love the dish. I recently received a pitcher that would look lovely with it.

Dixie said...

I adore Spode blue and white... just beautiful... you and your daughter have an excellent eye...

blushing rose said...

Never have I seen a lasagna dish in blue/white pattern like yours. Very pretty presentation. TTFN ~ Marydon

Lisa said...

Young lady, where have you been?! I have missed your visits over the blog fence!

Sandi@ Rose Chintz Cottage said...

Happy first Blue Monday! Love the lasagna dish!


Tricia said...

I love that blue lasagna dish!

Glenda/MidSouth said...

What a pretty dish! That dress is so adorable.

Mary Bergfeld said...

What a beautiful lasagna dish. Have a wonderful day. Blessings...Mary

Anita@Theycallmejammi said...

I'm really beginning to love the blue and white patterns....sigh, I can't collect everything..I must have some control...nope, not working. Guess I'll be looking to start a new collection.

Dirt Princess said...

LOVE the dress! Wonder if I can find one in my size?

The Quintessential Magpie said...

Oh, how I love your Blue Italian! It is so neat, and that dress is just darling. I bet some little birthday princess is going to love it!

Happy Blue Monday, Laura...


Sheila :-)

{Bellamere Cottage} said...

Hi Laura!

Oh my goodness! Loved your blue lasagna dish....I can see why you HAD to have it. I did my whole house in blue years and years ago and when I changed it out I swore I'd never, ever use blue again.......I am SOOOOO changing my mind. I am loving it anything prettier than blue and white? Just sooo pretty and fresh. It's like the white blouse and blue skirt for summer...PERFECT!

Have a wonderful week sweet girl.....


Designs on 47th Street said...

JUST BEAUTIFUL!!! I am truly on the lookout for a good deal on blue dishes. Can I have dibbs on yours when you are tired of them? ;)

That dress is cute as can be too.


From the Old InkWell said...

Laura, that little dress is so sweet! I know she'll love it!

Knitty said...

Dish stalking? I love that description! LOL!

Nancy said...

Love that blue spode! The dress is adorable, too.

chris said...

Nothing is worse than a dish stalker.

Regina said...

Beautiful blue. Nice post.

Terry said...

Howdy Laura
Oh wow you trained your daughter well.
How thrilling !
Of course now I have to have that lovely piece of spode for my very own :)
You may have started something .
Seriously ,
Thank you for sharing the beautiful photos .
Have a very blessed rest of the week.
Happy Trails.

Elyse said...

beautiful blues! one of these mondays, i will have to join in the fun!



Wsprsweetly Of Cottages said...

I love your blue and white...personally I don't think you can ever have enough of it! It's beautiful. That serving dish...beautiful!

Jennifer said...

When I see blue and white dishes in a store I get positively giddy! Luckily I have trained my family to appreciate the blue & white obsession I have and see that you have as well! Have adored your blog for a long time- thanks for being my first comment on mine:)

Bargain Decorating with Laurie said...

OOOOO, that dish is absolutely stunning! I may start stalking you for that dish! The little dress is adorable. laurie

Anonymous said...

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