Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Wordless Wednesday and Outdoor Wednesday

wordless wednesday outdoor wednesday   

To the wonderful Dixie at French Lique and Susan at A Southern Daydreamer, thank you for the Wednesday fun. 









Dixie said...

good morning Laura... wonderful photos of some of that gardening you've been doing... just beautiful!
happy WW.

Rebecca Nelson said...

Such beautiful pictures, Ms. L! I love to garden but growing things just don't seem to be my forte'! :( Maybe someday!

Hugs to you for a wonderful day.


bj said...

Great photos..

Tee said...

Lovely photos. Lantana is great, isn't it?! It's about the only thing I can actually grow well. Your porch looks like the perfect place to be when it's raining!

Pam @ Frippery said...

So pretty. Yellow is a favorite of mine.Hope your back feels good after all that limestone moving.

Joy Tilton said...

Love the cheery yellow flowers! I'm finally finished with planting so now it's on to watering daily!

Domestic Designer said...

Great pictures! Love all the yellow flowers. Have a wonderful day!

dana said...

What gorgeous plants and lush grass. I "think" the first yellow plant is a Lantana---I have one in an old metal mop bucket on my back patio--I love em.!!!!! Happy WW! Dana

Glenda/MidSouth said...

Pretty yard. Hope you are not to sore today.

Becca's Dirt said...

Good morning Laura - Great photos of your place and a nice yard. Hope you have a great day.

June said...

Hi Laura,
You can't believe how often I have tried to leave you a comment. I would always get an error message and it would not allow me to leave you one, so today I tried a different route to your blog and now I'm am leaving the comment that I have been so wanting to leave. I love following your blog and see what all is going on in your life. You have so much going on and are such a busy and very dear lady. Beautiful photos of your wonderful outdoor space today.

Prospero said...

Hi Laura, lots of bright summer beauty.

Sherrie said...

Beautiful Yard! Love all those pretty yellow flowers and the trellis is awesome! Have a great day!!


Mary Bergfeld said...

I love your garden. Your effort really shows. Thank you for sharing your photos with us. Blessings...Mary

Terry said...

Howdy Laura
Wow that is one lush green yard you have .
What a beautiful landscape .
The photos are wonderful.
Thank you so much for sharing these photos.
You certainly have been busy from the beauty of your photos.
I like your pretty yellow Lantana it looks so happy .
That is a really neat Trellis too !
Thank you sweetie for sharing.
Blessings of joy to you .
Happy Trails

Lynn said...

Pretty pictures of what I am going to assume is your yard!
Very nice!

momma said...

what pretty yellow flowers!

Aimee said...

Beautiful photos! Nice to see green again...with 100 degree temperatures all we've been seeing is brown and crispy!

stefanie said...

beautiful photos, happy outdoor wednsday

Blondie's Journal said...


Beautiful outdoor summer pictures! No need for words...

I love the Lantana, now that I know what it is!! I don't think we can grow it here because I have yet to see it. It's gorgeous!

I hope your gardening (fern~wise) woes are over and that you got my message about the outdoor faucet timer. And I have heard about the incredible heat you all have been having. We have been in the 90's and it's terrible. Let's hope these extremes end soon!!


Claudia said...

You are in inspiration to us NON gardeners.

Ohhh i have lovely silk plants, they enjoy my dusting them now and then :)


Simply Debbie said...

Dear Laura,
Happy Wordless and Outdoor Wednesday
Your yard is such a velvet green and I love your trellis.
beautiful flowers

Confessions of a Plate Addict said...

Hi Laura! Beautiufl garden! And I LOVE that big yard! It makes me want to take offf my shoes...I hate shoes...and run barefoot in your yard! You don't mind, do you? lol Have a great rest of the week...Debbie

Anne Marie said...

Yellow is always so cheery!

Wsprsweetly Of Cottages said...

What a great wordless Wednesday post! Your home is lovely! Really lovely!

Kat said...

Beautiful photos! And that porch looks like such a wonderful place to relax with a glass of tea and enjoy the evening. Happy WW. Kathy

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