Monday, July 20, 2009

Thrifty Treasures and Former Students

     SouthernHospThriftyTreasurescopy IMGP0186

     Saturday morning I just happened upon a garage sale that later required me to ask my husband , “Can I borrow your truck?” 

     He just rolled his eyes.  He has done a lot of eye rolling over the years.  I hope they don’t get stuck some day in that position.

     Anyway, as I entered the yard, a nice woman said, “Mrs. H., is that you?” “I bet you don’t remember me!”

     OK- this has happened to me more times than I can count.  This is obviously a former student.  I have met former students in every grocery store (as I furiously tried to hide what’s in my basket), drugstore, and emergency room in town. 

     The most disconcerting (alarming) would have to be as I was rolled into an emergency room only to look up and see a faintly familiar face saying, “Mrs. H. , is that you?” “I bet you don’t remember me.”

     These meetings are always followed by question #3:

Are you still there?” (said with a little bit of horror-as in how long has it been?)

     On another note, I am not sharing prices today.  Let me just say that garage sales hosted by former students limit one’s bargaining power.  There are rules of engagement for these situations, right?

     So when I saw the table and chairs, I just agreed to the price.  The same for this.


     It all worked out because she gave me these.


     Now I can have that Henry VIII banquet I have been planning in my mind.


Go visit Miss Rhoda at Southern Hospitality for many more Thrifty Treasures’ entries.


Cass @ That Old House said...

Gorgeous finds! What will you do with the outdoor set? We used to have one just like it -- love that style.

Former students are always amazed that a teacher actually has a life outside of the school -- and DID you remember the yard-saler?

Love your blog!

trash talk said...

I love the service ware! What a great fall table that set would make....a little mead and a roasted pig to finish it off! I really do think the chargers would look fabulous with the right dishes at Thanksgiving.

Carol Murdock said...


Elizabethd said...

I know the feeling well, as an ex teacher i am often reminded just how the years have gone by!

Bamawhitney said...

Great finds!!

Glenda/MidSouth said...

Like the outdoor set. I need to find a new one for my courtyard, but what I want is to pricey.

Cindy said...

What I've found funny is that my former teachers are really on several years than me! And, they always seem to to "just the same"!
The table service stuff would be SO neat in the autumn! Great stuff!

Marty@A Stroll Thru Life said...

It is funny how students think you are always at school and can't imagine that you're a real person. Love the table and chairs, and the coffee table. I can't wait to see the banquet you have in store with the rest of your finds. Hugs, Marty

From the Old InkWell said...

Laura, what a cute story. I enjoyed reading. And I can't wait to see what you do with the tableware. Is it pewter?? WOW!

Blondie's Journal said...

I live so far away from where I went to school, I would faint if I saw one of my former teachers. I did have a wonderful 4 year relationship with my art teacher, she would be in her 70's or 80's by now. I tried to google her and couldn't find her. I was hoping to hear that she became a famous watercolrist with a gallery in Soho! No luck. But sometimes we really do get involved with teachers and in my case, I really did see "a person" outside of the classroom.

I love the table and coffee table and want to see what you will do wuth the. The "serveware" looks like something you will have a lot of fun playing with. ;-)


Rebecca Nelson said...

Lovin' the table but it is your story tellin' that makes me SMILE BIG!



★Carol★ said...

Is the patio set going to get the white spray paint treatment? Love it, and the little table too! Good luck with that Henry VIII banquet, ye wench! ;^)

2 Dogs said...

Dear Laura~~ I'm several post behind on reading here. Where have I been? I'll have to come back and read. I'm on my lunch hour.


Debra@CommonGround said...

Nothing like young people to make us feel really OLD. Love your goodies, the round coffee table is a real score!

Kelli said...

You found some fabulous things!!

Rhoda @ Southern Hospitality said...

Cute story! Well, I love the patio table & that coffee table is great too. I'm sure you got a pretty good deal on it all.

Victoria said...

LOL, I understand asking the husband to borrow the truck and getting the eyes rolled. Happens a lot around my house. ;)

I bought a piano from a friend and I paid full asking price too.

LOVE the old patio table and the coffee table. I bet it was still a great deal!

Kim@Seasons of My Heart said...

Oh...THANKS so much for stopping by my blog!!!

I LOVE the finds you found...I can't want to see what you do with these precious items!!

Domestic Designer said...

Great finds! I am sure that the price was great too. :-) I am sure they wouldn't over charge their former teacher. Have a great week!

susan said...

I feel your pain with the student thing--they pop up in the darndest places--hopefully never as your physician or nurse :)I just spray painted TONS of outdoor furniture in my Met Mon post. I love that table! And you are right--Mrs. H. cannot look like a cheapskate :)

Linda (Nina's Nest) said...

I know what you mean - I run into former students, too. However, you got some really good deals! Linda

Anonymous said...

Great post! I am a retired teacher and I TOTALLY understand the hiding things. I could tell you some stories. Thanks so much. I love the way you write great voice. I'll be a new follower. Thanks for sharing.


Lynn said...

I get that a lot too.
Rather I DID until I moved out of the area.
You did get some great things there!

Designs on 47th Street said...

Can't wait to see what color the table becomes. Yes, you are a great story teller. I do love to come by and see what's going on. Somehow I missed yesterday's post and I am just SICK for you! Oh my...gorgeous, broken dishes. I am so sorry for that!! Truly, I am. Your husband handled that very well!

Nicole A. said...

LOVE your finds! Those dishes are awesome and love the tables!

trish said...

Oh my those are some great finds!
Sincerely ~ Tricia Anne

Kammy said...

Oh My Gosh !! OMG OMG OMG !
You had me at the table an chairs......
Then the round table......
Then those marvelous dishes -
3 Whammies !
You scored sooooo huge - I am a tad jealous.
Mrs.H - remember me- too funny - I think you need a hat and big sunglasses !!!!
Hugs ~ Kammy

Bargain Decorating with Laurie said...

Fabulous finds! Love the lines on that coffee table. Maybe one of these tables could have a mosaic top, using your broken china pieces. (Sorry, probably shouldn't have brought that up again)! laurie


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