Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Zumba Part II

Can attending zumba class and *learning* (I haven’t learned anything yet- I am in a sort of embarrassed, sheepish survival mode) 3 new dances yesterday delete all semblance of conscious thought?


I haven’t bought the scarf with the coins; I haven’t bought the magic zumba shoes; I don’t have cute, theme appropriate zumba outfits. I have my yard clothes, a chip clip, and hope.

Yesterday I was also the recipient of positive expectations and feedback. One ‘my age’ lady approached me before class and immediately began demonstrating one of the harder steps and nodding encouragingly. The odd thing is that I responded by dancing back- we had a sort of dueling zumba moment.

Then there was the nice lady who smiled broadly after new dance #2 and said, “You have really improved.” As my grandmother used to say,

Bless her heart.”

I shall return- at 6:15 pm today, at our local park’s open air pavillion, where all of the walkers and joggers running by can stop, slack jawed and say,

“Mrs. H. is that YOU?”


Joy Tilton said...

Good for you Laura! Learn something new each day and it makes you a very interesting person...joy c. at grannymountain

trash talk said...

We ARE never too old to learn....I just usually do it without witnesses! You go get 'em girl and throw in a little bit of the "jerk" just to show 'em you still got it!

Marty@A Stroll Thru Life said...

Good for you to step out of the box and do something different. Hugs, Marty

Stacey said...

Oh my gosh. I have thought about you and the Zumba class. Sounds like hilarious fun.

I have to tell you. My best friend has been teaching and a school counselor for 23 years. She was just telling me the other day about being at the doctor for her annual you know what when the girl said, "Mrs. E..is that you?" Can you imagine!!

Debra@CommonGround said...

Sounds like so much fun! Go for it! Reminded me of my Grandmother, who I heard say on more than one occasion. "I've seen lots of people uglier than you." no kidding!

Cottage Rose said...

Hey you should be very proud of your self, I took that class a few times, and my poor body did not like it one bit....lol it is lots of fun doing it, but my bones were yelling at me to STOP! lol keep up the great work.... and thanks for stopping by and the kind comment... I have been reading your past posts, love your blog... I will be back for more.....

Have a great week.


Debbie's Garden said...

Well if those people passing by are anything like me my first thought when I see some one heavy thats jogging or walking or biking (or uncoordinated for Zumba!) My first thought is "at least they're out there doing it and I'm the lazy one"

Designs on 47th Street said...

Oh my! You are just too much! Another fun post, Laura. Our gym also offers a Zumba class, but I haven't tried it. I did however, just sign up for Body Pump.

We're fighting age one move at a time, aren't we?? ;)

blushing rose said...

You go girl! I'd love to do it, but my body would collapse from the effort ... chuckle!

The Texas Woman said...

I love Zumba...watching it, that is!

The Texas Woman

Made In The South said...

Sounds like fun. You are brave,I can't even clap to music.

Marguerite said...

Good for you, Laura. Sounds like fun. It's a good thing to take classes that are challenging. Many benefits with dancing. Definitely buy the shoes! :)

Anonymous said...

Laura - I have done Zumba and it is so much fun. I figure, I can always get better! Keep up the good effort. I do it in my sock feet. We have carpet on the gym floor in that area so it seems to work perfect. Thanks for sharing and good luck!


Domestic Designer said...

I am proud of you! :-) I keep saying I am going to try this. My daughter and my cousin both do it so I guess it is worth a try! I'll let you know.

Dixie said...

LOL.. I just found out my employer offers a big discount for employees joining Zumba... is somebody trying to tell me something?! ;) Naw!

Life on an artistic shoestring said...

Hi! Thanks for joining my blog - and I love yours, too! I just bought a violin on Craigslist in order to learn and keep the ole noggin working. I don't think I'm brave enough for Zumba yet!

Tanya said...

I don't know what Zumba is but your description of the dueling Zumba moment was awesome!

teshat said...

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