Sunday, January 17, 2010

Slinging: Football Version

 IMGP1082        When my brother-in-law called to see if he could come over and watch Dallas play Sunday afternoon (2 hours before kick-off), an adrenalin rush surged through me that doesn’t often visit on Sundays.

        Not, you see, because my brother-in-law was coming, but rather because his wife was too.

        I admit it. I don’t entertain to impress men.  There I said it.  I want my home at its best because another woman/or women are coming for a visit.

        My dear friend JB and I call this moving into action slinging. 

        This goes back to our junior service league days when JB convinced her motley food committee in our small town membership that yes- we really could prepare brownies in the shape of Texas for our annual style show and luncheon.

        Meanwhile I was choreographing dance moves for a second  crew of members to move gracefully down the catwalk ,modeling local clothing stores’ newest fashions, all while keeping the beat AND a straight face.

        Having the beat became as important as, say, getting your children immunized.

        In retrospect, this time in our lives- because we did it multiple years- could have been a made for television movie.

        I know that JB would agree; we were stressed, and we had a BLAST.

        By necessity, we HAD to sling.  After all we both worked, had children, and were slightly crazy.  Our children also modeled in the show.

        So my slinging for football Sunday produced this.

        I started with the requisite chili con queso.


        I then dug in my pantry and found a package of cornbread mix.  I modified the recipe by adding a can of corn, some grated cheese and about 3 tablespoons of melted butter.


        In the refrigerator I found some links of polish sausage that I sliced, browned in my cast iron skillet, and drizzled with BBQ sauce.


I had one semi ripe avocado that I sliced and sprinkled with garlic salt.


        I also had a container of pico de gallo and a sack of chips that I opened.


        We have two steaks in the refrigerator that my husband will cook and slice thin.  I will then serve the steak in fresh corn tortillas that I bought yesterday at the tortilleria when I went to the vegetable co-op.

        Topped with pico de gallo and avocado slices, it should taste great.

        That’s my Sunday afternoon adrenalin rush.



donna baker said...

Oh, I love that term slinging. I do the same thing about cleaning. Come to think of it, about dressing and lord knows what else.

Jeanette said...

Wow what a wonderful slinging party! It is amazing what we can do on a whim. Great job!

Here's a great giveaway. Nothing to do but comment.

Anonymous said...

Oh my gosh you are making me hungry! That food looks delicious.

Anonymous said...

That's some fancy slinging, i must say! I also clean to impress woman, not men, lol!

Amy@TheLemonCottage said...

First, its only fair that I tell you I am a Vikings fan! :)
Second... I'll be at your house next week for the game.
Love the term slinging.

Debra@CommonGround said...

You had me at the chili con queso...

Theresa said...

Looks like a perfect spread:) Yummy! Great job! Have a sweet Monday!

Glenda/MidSouth said...

Sounds good to me - hold the avocado please.:)

trash talk said...

5 yard penalty for rushing! 29...42...17...Hut, Hut, Hut...pass the queso please!

Loui♥ said...

Love it..from the get go!!
too bad I missed the kickoff..
was too busy blogging..
warm hugs, laughing smiles..

Darla said...

Girl you were slinging it weren't you?

Anonymous said...

OH MY GOSH!!! What a great post, I was absolutely laughing out loud. Oh, those were the days. We could sling anything, and we still can, I might add. We still need to have another style show and luncheon and show them how it's done!!!!! I love you.

Dixie said...

Gosh Laura... if I'd know you were having a football feast... I'd have come over too... all I had was wine and cheese nips!

Nancy said...

You can pull it together, Girl! Wow. This post reminds me of my Junior League days - those ladies could entertain at the drop of a hat. Probably because entertaining was a big part of their lives. That's why the Junior League cookbooks are so good.

I'll bet you had a happy bunch at your house for the game.

Sarah said...

I think you have it down pat! That avocado looks delicious! ~ Sarah

Deb said...

Laura you are Nana could throw a meal together at any given moment with what she had in the house...Well was everyone to disappointed about the cowboys loss??? It all looks so good...

B. said...

I make my cornbread the same way.... Love the corn in it.

Cottage Rose said...

OH wow such yummy sounding and looking food,, I would have loved to have been there.... mmm mmm good.... have a great week..


Sandra said...

Oh wow! You came through with having a quick get together! Everything looks so delish!

Janean said...

bet you could out-draw a gunslinger any day of the week, girl! everything looked delicious.

i too clean & decorate for the females in my life...the males only care if there's a TV, plenty to eat and something to wash it down with! LOL.

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