Monday, June 29, 2009

Just Walk Away Renee

     Signing on to live life in my yard takes a certain fortitude , grace, and quirkiness. From one day to the next, this fern appears to be dying.


      Right across the patio, on the same day, a different experience is occurring. 

100_1014     I don’t know that I understand this.  Both ferns received the same treatment, the same food, the same watering.

     My husband has a different philosophy about watering than I do.  He likes to do this.


        If I were dying of thirst, that would get on my last nerve.  I pontificated about all of my amazing gardening theories, including proper watering, while he walked away. I may have lost my helper.

       So, I am going to pontificate at you . Don’t walk away Renee.

*  I think thirsty plants/people want a long drink of water. They don’t want to be sprayed in the face when they are thirsty.  They enjoy spraying for fun , but not to quench their thirst.

*  I think miracle blooming products are like steroids, eyelash extensions, and other faux beauty products (that I have been known to enjoy); however, their dramatic results are fleeting.

* I think cutter ants, that have stripped my four white iceberg rose bushes , are a sub-culture we need to fear.

Well…there you have it.  Opinions based on absolutely zero facts. 


Cindy said...

Your pontification is too funny! Love it.

Rebecca Nelson said...

HAAHHAHHAHAHAH I love this! Pontificate all you want. Iwouldn't want to be sprayed in the face either. I love to hand water....I get a little sun and it gets me outside vs. staying shut inside my house.


xoRebecca PS: I don't talk about anything that moves other than humans EXCEPT dogs, cats and other animals that are pet and pet-like. Any other little creature or critter that is similar to vermin make me too sick to speak! :(

Leave a Legacy said...

Your opinions are most likely correct - and to heck with any possible facts.

Marguerite said...

Hi Laura- Your blog is so creative and refreshing. One of my best friends is named Renee' and that is definitely her song! We both love that song!! And Merci Beaucoup for visiting and for adding me to your reading list!

Claudia said...

Thanks so much for stopping by my blog! I am off to explore yours. Have a wonderful week!


Tootsie said...

I do agree about the watering!

Elizabethd said...

I like to use a watering can, full, and give lots to each plant.

Anonymous said...

Where the red fern grows...

LuLo Designs/Blue Eyed Tango said...

I wondered about those eyelash extensions, they're all the rage at the salon I go to! My eyelashes may be sparse, but the ones I do have still sweep my sunglasses! LOL! Now the fern, I have one that looked just about like it last year....only one so I have no other theories except the sun was peeking in on in the evening hours and it was a hotter summer last year! But this year it's in the same place same fertilizer and same amount of water and it looks lush and gorgeous! I think they must be fickle....just like we are! Great post! Luanne

Stacey said...

I think you are right on the mark. I was reading what Luanne said about the ferns..I too had a matching set on my patio last year. One was perfect and the other got wimpy. I started switching them every few days and it seemed to help. Likely that one spot is too hot or too something.

Jo said...

I just had to giggle at this one! I'm in for the switching idea. I have to do that with the urns on my front porch ~ picky little things!


Anita@Theycallmejammi said...

Thank you for standing up for Fern rights...most people would just walk away and ignore the indignity. LOL

Unknown said...

That is so funny! And true!

DKG aka Scrappy Doo said...

too funny! I never have put much thought into watering plants. I will however, be more considerate to them from now on :-)

Domestic Designer said...

Love it and what you say is so true. Loved visiting as usual. You asked if I walk in the morning. I guess I am strange but I usually walk later in the day. During the summer you might see me walking the neighborhood at about 8pm when all is quiet. Last night I was on the treadmill at 11pm! I know they say not to do that but for me it works. I sleep like a baby! :-) Have a great day!

Dixie said...

Cutter Ants can wipe out a garden pretty quickly... I experienced it several years ago. I finally found a product called Volcano, developed at TX A&M... that wiped out the Cutter Ants. It was developed to combat the Cutter problem in the East TX pine forests. I don't remember where I purchased it, but it was expensive... not as expensive as replacing all my plants though... hope you can find it... and yes... much like cooking babyback ribs... watering should be low and slow... ;)

blushing rose said...

Well, now you can get Latisse & not need eyelash extensions ... go figure! What happened to natural beauty, accented lightly when needed.

I love chatting with the plants as I water individually ... personal attention always works best, don't you think? A little chuckle there ...

Plants are curious little ones ... we've had similar situations occur. TTFN ~Marydon

Glenda/MidSouth said...

Funny! :-) I have the same thing going on now. Plants getting the same care - one thriveing and the other is pitiful looking.

Anonymous said...

Hi Laura. Thank you so much for stopping by my blog and for the kind words. I'm glad you enjoyed the photos. I'm getting ready to run errands, but I wanted to say hi first. When I get back I will have to look over your blog more. I love the background. Have a great day!

Dirt Princess said...

I am totally with you on your theories! 100%!

Anonymous said...

Your notions sound totally correct! I would love to add one another as followers! Let me know are interested! It is wonderful to network with other creative spirits:)!

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the add! I am following you too! Excited to follow your blog posts:)

Tricia said...

I love it! I only have one fern in my yard and unfortunately it looks like your #1 and I am not just sprinkling it with water. I'm sorry to say it but I think I may have to just 'walk away' from my garden already this year.

Susie Homemaker said...

Hubby and I call them watering wars...I invested in a nice soaker hose...really nice. I left it on by mistake and flooded the basement. Yeah, If he even sees me near the hose he goes white as a ghost...
But, your fern may actually like a little misting...I even put mine in the shower now and again.
I like your way of thinking though...


Marilyn said...

Alas! Some plants, including ferns, take there water on the underside of the leaf but others absorb from the top surface. Your husband has a good point though I usually don't like to concede to husbands making good Your garden does look beautiful, I just love it. I love your blog too, been following you for ages. Marilyn xoxo

Melissa said...

Pontificating is good for the soul. You go right ahead.

Debra from Bungalow said...

Yeah, I agree with you! Give that plant a drink already!

Thanks for adding my blog button. I'll add you to my new blogroll. I tried to send you an email but couldn't find your address.

Lavender Chick said...

It all makes perfectly good sense to me! You garden is lovely, by the way.

Chloe m said...

When you are right, you are right. Hopefully your hubby will still help you and not hold a grudge. Things are looking good at your place.

Wsprsweetly Of Cottages said...

Ferns are strange sometimes. I know they sell misters for them..little bottles with maybe they like spray. I know they don't like sun...bright light but not any sun. Who the heck knows. I just bought two to plant out back under a tree..and I hope they live. You have a really nice yard.
YOu could tell your husband to take over caring for them..and see what happens. :)

Picket said...

Morning girl...I have had the same thing happen to me many a time...I can't explain it either! lol Thanks for coming by to visit..the FARMTOWN is on Facebook...I don't know anything about facebook but I love my farm! lol Hope you have a wonderful 4th my friend!

Kathryn @ Bonafide Southern said...

My husband waters plants very similarly to the way your husband waters. I've come to realize that if I want something done the right way, then I must do it myself! :) Thanks for stopping by my blog. Come back any time.

LPC said...

I have the EXACT same problem in my garden. And it's the ferns too. Aargh.

Carole and Chewy said...

I killed many,many ferns before I learned the secret. You've got it partway - rotate them in and out of the sun. The other half of the secret is water from below. Fill a tub/bowl/plastic box with 5-6" of water, set fern in. Forget about it for up to overnight.
In really hot weather, rotate in and out of tub with water, at least every other day. You'll start seeing those little new tendrils come up within a week.

Oh -in the fall, don't bring them inside if you have nibbling cats. One of mine ate a fern that was 3' in diameter -overnight. Nothing but stubs left in the morning. And a fat cat.

{Bellamere Cottage} said...

Oh Laura....I've just had the best time catching up with you. What a witty and funny gal you are. Every post...hilarious!

Big hugs,

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