Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Off to Canton


     I am off to Canton ladies.  I wish bloggers wore name tags at these kinds of events, showing the name of their blog- which is really how we all know each other best.

     Maybe I will see you there. I hope so.

      I am leaving tomorrow with one daughter, to travel to Dallas to stay with another daughter, to be met at Canton by a third daughter (actually she is the first daughter).

      Three daughters plus Canton.  It just doesn’t get any better than that.




Amy@TheLemonCottage said...

Have a wonderful time with your girls! I wish I was going! :)

trash talk said...

I wish I could get away just long enough to get the chance to meet you in person. I'll be at the hospital though with my girls! Have a wonderful time and I hope you find plenty to haul back home! If y'all get the chance, Athens and Winnie & Tulula's is only 30 minutes from Canton. Tell Cherise and Gloria I sent you!!!

Terri said...

I think name tags are a wonderful suggestion! Imagine how elaborate they'd be..... I won't be in Canton, Texas but do have my reservations for Canton, Mississippi in October. I never miss it! Have fun!

Carrie @ Cottage Cozy said...

Have a wonderful time, Laura!

Barbara said...

Laura, That sounds like the perfect trip, your daughters and Canton. Hopefully the weather will be ok. I thought of you yesterday when I painted some old candle sticks with white spray paint. That is a very cute story.

Hope you are home safe when you read this!


Crystal Rose Cottage said...

Wish I was going! That is great you have your daughters to share in the fun! Can't wait to see what you bring home!

Anonymous said...

Have a wonderful time! When my daughter lived in Frisco, Texas, we made several trips to Canton. It was HOT HOT HOT but we SHOPPED SHOPPED SHOPPED!

Be safe.

Maree said...

Ooh...sounds like so much fun!

Glenda/MidSouth said...

Have a great time.

Blondie's Journal said...

Cant' wait to hear about the great time you had in Canton (which I thought was in Ohio).


Lynn said...

There certainly ARE a bunch of Cantons aren't there.
You are going to have such fun with your daughters!
I agree about the name tags! They would all be works of art!!
I'll be waiting to hear about it all.
You are rig
ht about "Thank Goodness" we are retired! Do you still have dreams about teaching disasters?
You know--late? naked? no plan? Naughty students that won't listen?
I do but they are subsiding.

Dixie said...

Don't forget your camera... I'm holding off on my Canton trip until October... can't take the heat! yikes..

have fun and take lots of pics!

Marguerite said...

Bon Voyage, Laura! Have fun and happy times in Canton. I know that you will.

Domestic Designer said...

Have a great time! Can't wait to hear about it.

Jo said...

What fun! Have a fabulous time with your girls. Can't wait to hear all the details!


K :) said...

sounds lovely. i loved when my two sisters and i would get together with my mother. it was always filled with laughs and good times.

Vintage Chicken said...

Ohh Ohhh Ohhh.. maybe I'll see you there?
I'm heading there this weekend as well!

If you see some tall blonde haggling over something that looks worthless to the naked eye - well it's probably ME!

Bargain Decorating with Laurie said...

Oh, how I wish I was going to be there! What fun you and your daughters are going to have! Can't wait to see what you buy. laurie

donna baker said...

Laura, had a great time reading through your blog. I'm am really looking forward to following it. Thank you too for sharing my blogging journey. This is going to be fun. Canton with the girls sounds fun. Hope to see some of the goodies you found.

Anonymous said...

We're all expecting a full report with some of your glorious photos included!!
I know you've had a wonderful time with the girls.
Hugs to you all...Karen


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