Thursday, July 2, 2009

The Streets of Laredo


     As a result of my mother’s encouragement over the years (as in ‘you really need to buy that’), multiple trips to Laredo shopping, and the fact that I live in an area that borders Mexico, I have always loved wrought iron. The above photo is a candle chandelier I have on a small patio outside the back door.

Wrought Iron (4)

     This was a wall hanging that I found in Laredo.  I had it welded and placed above our backyard gate.  In fact , I replaced the cedar gate with this.

Wrought Iron (5)

     The same gentleman who did the gate, also did these.

Wrought Iron (8)

Wrought Iron (7)

Wrought Iron (9)

Wrought Iron (8)

     We have a deep back yard, and these structures stop the eye.  I plan to train fuchsia bougainvillea to grow over them, but right now I like them just as they are.

     Wrought Iron (19)       This is Big Daddy.  The same gentleman who did the other work welded this large candle chandelier onto a post and mounted it in a flower bed for me.

Wrought Iron (16)

     This is Big Daddy #2.  I bought this in Laredo several years ago and persuaded my husband that yes indeed it would fit in the back of his truck.  It weighs a million pounds.

2009-07-02 15-20-50_0003

      I have about 12 of these.  They are lightweight and can be moved anywhereI bought these in Laredo ,and they are like portable fencing.  A friend of mine just borrowed them this afternoon for her daughter’s wedding reception.


Wrought Iron (12) Wrought Iron (14)

  Wrought Iron (15)   

     These small tables are from Ross Dress for Less- my crazy, favorite store. 

     OK- it’s time to go to Laredo ladies, but we need a trailer. My friend Mary Jo (of the corn salad )can back a cattle trailer down a one way street in downtown Laredo and stop it on a dime.  That in itself is worth the trip. 

     I have pulled a trailer to Laredo before, but I can only go one way.  Guess which way that is?  Straight.



Anonymous said...

Absolutely fabulous, Laura.

Sue said...

Your welder is a craftsman. I love all of your wrought iron pieces, Laura, especially the candleabra.

Glenda/MidSouth said...

I really like garden architecture like that, and yours are so pretty. I especially like the candeliers.

Domestic Designer said...

I just love all of your wrought iron. Amazing! Have a wonderful weekend!

KV Creative Designs said...

Ohhh I love all of your Wrought Iron too!!! I know you won't be painting IT White!!!

Thanks for visiting my blog again! Stop by anytime!!!

Artful Blessings,

Sandra said...

I love Wrought Iron!! You pieces are fabulous! xoox

Kim said...

Wow Laura! I've heard of people having Butlers and Gardeners, but a Welder??? You rock!! That's so cool. Seriously, I never even would've thought to have something welded like that - I love it! Happy 4th!

blushing rose said...

Who would've thought ... you are very creative & implement everything beautifully. Happy safe holiday. TTFN ~Marydon

Anonymous said...


Love all of the wrought iron. Thanks for stopping by my blog and thanks for your comment. I appreciate it.

Cindy said...

Verrrry nice. I love wrought iron, too. I will visit my daughter in San Diego, soon. I wonder if Baja, Mexico has good wrought iron, too???

Marguerite said...

Laura, Your wrought iron, yard, and tables are absolutely gorgeous!!! And your placement of it all is fabulous. I love Ross, too!

Thanks for stopping by my blog. Happy 4th!

Cindy (Applestone Cottage) said...

I really like the wrought iron! What wonderful way's you have used it and how neat that you can have so much to pick from. Happy 4th, Cindy

Helen said...

Hi Laura
The title of this post caught my attention; my dad always sang this to me when I was little .."As I walk down through the streets of Laredo, as I walked down through Laredo one day..." tra la la.
Then I saw all your delightful wrought iron and can so relate, 'cos it's what we love, too. I love your outlook on life and will return to read more. Oh, and painting the barn? It looks like you've taken care of that already....

LuLo Designs/Blue Eyed Tango said...

I LOVE THIS POST Laura! Thank you for showing us how you can pump iron....what a woman! I would love to go to Laredo how fun! Aren't cattle & stock trailers great? Luanne

Maree said...

Wow! Gorgeous!
I decided to post a bit about your really made me think! While I've always eaten a variety of things...loved fruits and veggies..adding butter and sugar to them was a norm... so it's a no to your question. Afraid I was a food sleep walker!

Love your blog! I'm coming back!! Happy 4th!

Wsprsweetly Of Cottages said...

Those little tables are fantastic. I love them..but I am recently in love with mosiacs.
The colors are wondeful. Your wrought iron is just beautiful! I can already picture it with a bit of color trained on it. You have a wonderful yard!

Designs on 47th Street said...

I am in love with all your wrought iron! YOu are so lucky to have such gorgeous pieces.

It tickles me to death that I have inpired you to have a luncheon. Yes, I do love the planning part. Please share your menu and tablescape, okay? ;)


brokeintrovert said...

I love the wrought iron. Very, very pretty!

Stacey said...

I love all of your wrought iron too. The thingy above the gate is gorgeous. Seeing your new fence reminds me of how much we need to replace ours. We hope to put up one of the wrought iron looking ones next summer.

Your friend sounds like the perfect person to shop with. We all need a friend who can back up a trailer!!

Annie said...

I haven't been to Laredo in year. I love all the things one can find there, especially your chandelier. Your story about the cattle trailer is wonderful.

trash talk said...

Straight huh? Well you are one up on me!
Love all your iron...I have a wonderful bed that was handmade that I just refuse to part with. This was such a happy read.

Teresa @ Grammy Girlfriend said...

Enjoyed reading your blog tonight...had some time to do some blog hopping...Have a Happy 4th!

Carole and Chewy said...

I'm so glad you stopped by my blog because now I know about yours! I love the white spray paint -our family is the same way -EXCEPT-at our house it's black spray paint. Same marks on the driveway, but ours blend in better. Give me a rummage sale and a 94 cent can of spray paint from walmart and I'll give you a classic...

Kathy's Red Door Welcome said...

Lovely wrought iron and I love the too pretty to be called t.v. trays! Have a happy 4th!

JB said...

Hey Laura,
I'm ready to go to Laredo...just tell me when!
Miss Gracie is here all week, let me know and we'll come and see you, or we can go to lunch.
Your yard looks awesome. I hope John is doing well.

AMIT said...

Garden is looking lovely and wonderful.

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