Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Side of the Road and All Things In Between


     I have always enjoyed pulling off the road/highway/street at a second’s notice when I spot something interesting. My husband does not share this same fondness for spontaneity.  I can’t tell you how many times I have craned my neck back longingly, looking out the rear window, saying ‘oh,oh’, as he SPED up.  (In fairness, he has done more than his fair share of waiting.)

     However. when I saw a sign that said Fredericksburg peaches at a fruit stand in Blanco, while driving home from Dallas, I stopped, while middle daughter held on and shouted, “Mother!”

     New phenomenon: apparently, although I safely drove 3 daughters hither and yon to all their volleyball tournament, lamb show, 4-H competition, track meet, tennis tournament, dance lesson lives, while they sometimes changed clothes en route, I am now considered a BAD driver.

       At the Knothole Flea Market in Burnet, Texas (which I think sounds like the title of a great song) I found 4 of these for $7 . I have a large collection of these goblets in red.

Canton (11)

     I also found this.

Canton (8)

     And I think it looks good next to my daughter’s library table that she bought here in Canton.


     Canton (4)

    I get to ‘store’ it for a while since she does not have room in her apartment.  Why buy it? It was half price of course!


     Daughter #3 found a set of Jade-ite measuring cups. Amazing.

     And finally…

Canton (5)

     This small dresser was at a garage sale.  It was great fun, but it is time to focus on projects, lists, and work.

That’s fun too.


Julie said...

MMMM nothing like Fredricksburg peaches! I grew up and graduated from Blanco! I think I know what stand you bought those peaches at ;)
Love all the treasures you found....Julie

Debbie's Garden said...

What caught my attention the most of your post is your kids thinking NOW you're a bad driver. How many times have I heard this too from my own kids too?! My first thought is No I Am Not. But then a little voice in the back says... am I turning into one of those crazy 'ol lady drivers? Am I the last to know????

Anonymous said...

Those blue goblets are just wonderful! What a great find. I enjoy your blog an thanks for sharing.


blushing rose said...

Are those the Martha Stewart jadeite or the REAL thing? Man, if they are the antique ones, you found a fortune sitting there.

The blue goblets are lovely also. You did real good on your finds.

My g-son always said 'you are the best driver, Mini' ... now I am 'getting old & terrible' ... kids!
TTFN ~Marydon
TTFN ~Marydon

Gypsy aka Tam said...

Hi Laura,
sounds you had loads of fun and I would have loved going on that trip with you and finding 'treasures'.
To answer your question, I use a Canon Digital Rebel XTi. It was a splurge but well worth it. This is our first year doing veggie gardening. We did the raised bed square foot garden method and are simply amazed how well it has been going. I had myself prepared for many disappointments but other then a bit of powdery mildew due to a lot of rain and a short invasion of Japanese beetles we've did very well.
Have a wonderful evening,

Designs on 47th Street said...

I like your style Laura! I'm the type who would love to just stop at any ole exit where there is a small town antique store or something similar. Not my dh...he is a destination driver! I've even had Fberg peaches here in the midwest! I have a friend in Kerrville. Your finds are out of these world wonderful! Good for you AND daughters!

Jennsmere said...

Hi Laura...stopped by to catch up with you. I'm so jealous that you have been to Canton!!!! Love all the pictures of your fun finds....and that recipe for the 'blueberry stuff' sounds wonderful.

I always enjoy reading your posts...we have the same favorites!

Be blessed,

donna baker said...

My daughter collects jadite and yes, I am now considered a bad driver by my kids (and that's if I can not fall asleep). My white peaches all froze in a late hard freeze this year. I love roadside fruit stands.

Bill said...

Hi Laura,
You scored some wonderful finds on what sounds like quite an adventure, and a real "thrill ride" for your passengers! ;)

Thanks for stopping by and leaving the thoughtful, fun comment. OK, maybe I'll lift the lids for you someday .... or I might play it coy and show them one at a time in tablescapes!

Donna said...

Looks like you found some great stuff there.
I'm still smiling about the "song title" thing. :)

Sandra said...

What great finds!! Yay for you. I so understand about the driving situation. My daughter says I just get kind of freak out sometimes. Ha- I'm just really wondering how in the world we survived all those years as chauffeur before they could taxi us around. haha xoxo

Linda (Nina's Nest) said...

Oh, my - I had those goblets in red - 3 of them because I broke one. I gave them to GW. Now after seeing the blue one, I think I should have just looked for more to add to the red one. Hey, maybe you have my red ones in your collection! Oh, have you ever had Ga/South Carolina peaches? Fabulous! Linda

Crystal Rose Cottage said...

That is funny....why do our kids not complain for all those years when we drove them everywhere and then when they are a little older we turn into "terrible drivers?" Well, not only that they tell me I can't hear anymore! Oh well....Glad you got your peaches!

Stacey said...

You girls sure found some great items on your adventure. Sounds like so much fun!

trash talk said...

Biggest darn junk sale in Texas, huh? You got some great things including the peaches!
Knothole reminds me of a small town close to where I grew up...Frog Knot!

frippery said...

Laura, you found some good stuff. That dresser and the jadeite are my favorites. Thanks for your sweet comment. Silver Bella is a paper arts event that takes place in November in Omaha, Nebraska. Lot's of creative bloggers and many published artists and business owners. It is a blast if you enjoy making art of any sort. I have a link on my blog. Check it out just for fun. Hugs, Pam

Marguerite said...

More great finds, Laura. I love the goblets and the painting. And that jadeite is incredible. Probably worth $$$! How I wish that place was near here.

Rechelle ~Walnuthaven Cottage~ said...

What great finds! Loving the goblets and the peaches look devine!
Sorry for being a stranger. I had "mega computer issues' but now I'm back, out and about and reconnecting. feels good!
Enjoy your day!

Domestic Designer said...

What wonderful finds! The peaches look yummy!

Dixie said...

The Fredricksburg peach sellers are along the main highway between our house and the grocery 12 miles away... i get to stop every weekend while their in season... and they are sooooo yummy!

great finds in Canton and beyond. I'm hoping to plan a trip in October or November... life permitting! ;)

Glenda/MidSouth said...

Great finds - you did good. Yep! Heard those comments myself!

Sandy aka Doris the Great said...

The Jadite is divine!!! I'm soooo jealous!

But then again -- now I have a new goal in life -- (perhaps more than one actually) keeping my eyes peeled for Jadite!


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